
鼠辈是什么意思 鼠辈在线翻译 鼠辈什么意思 鼠辈的意思 鼠辈的翻译 鼠辈的解释 鼠辈的发音 鼠辈的同义词 鼠辈的反义词 鼠辈的例句


鼠辈 基本解释


鼠辈[shǔ bèi]

词典scoundrels恶棍,坏蛋( scoundrel的名词复数 );鼠辈。

词典mean creatures鼠辈。

鼠辈 汉英大词典

鼠辈[shǔ bèi]

mean creatures; scoundrels

鼠辈 网络解释

1. 鼠辈什么意思

1. rat:punk, 饭桶; | rat, 鼠辈; | rotten egg, 坏蛋;

2. you rat:you don't know half of it 你什么都不懂 | you rat 鼠辈 | you skunk混蛋

3. a rat:1)a rat 鼠辈,卑鄙小人令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人 | 2) smell a rat觉得可疑 | 3)a rat leaving a sinking ship不能共患难的人

4. known for stealing, hence:class of rodents like squirrel, weasle, etc.: 老鼠 rat, mouse; | known for stealing, hence 鼠輩 (abusive) the thieves; | 鼠目,鼠眼 thievish eyes, also shortsightedness;

鼠辈 双语例句

1. 我现在说的是你你的鼠辈。。。
    I'm talking ab out you and your little mouse friend.

2. 我也不是鼠辈
    I'm not a rat.

3. 鼠辈的翻译

3. 在城里,我是无名鼠辈,可在乡下,大家都认为我是了不起的人物。
    In the city 1 was nothing, but there in the countryside 1 was considered a big fish.

4. 知道吗,鼠辈我是老手而我不喜欢这些废话
    You know, mouse, I'm the talent and I don't like the vibe.

5. 而我只能睡在破布袋上你这只鼠辈
    All l've got to sleep on is a rag, you little rat!

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 我们鼠辈,一直以来,都是夹着尾巴做鼠、提心吊胆过日子。
    We have been, are rat tail between its done, the sight of them live.

7. 落荒而逃的鼠辈?被遗弃的船只?
    Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship?

8. 鼠辈

8. 在无主的船上受惊的鼠辈吗?
    Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship?

9. 鼠辈在线翻译

9. 让一场大地震把它们都震垮,让熊熊烈火把它们烧成灰烬,然后让大水淹没这整座鼠辈横行的罪恶之城
    Let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash, and then let the waters rise, and submerge this wholerat-infested place.

10. 那对鼠辈是种侮辱。
    Which is an insult to the rodent.

11. 鼠辈在线翻译

11. 不是哥所有的沉默都代表哥理屈词穷,有时候哥只不过不想和鼠辈来无谓的争论。
      Not all of the elder brother LiQuCiQiong silence all representatives, sometimes brother just want a despicable and useless to argue.

12. 我现在说的是你你的鼠辈。。。
      I'm talking about you and your little mouse friend.

13. 它不诸熟鼠辈的路径,也不寻迹虫蛇的洞穴。
      It knows not the ways of the mole nor seeks it the holes of the serpent.

14. 在(外力)催促(之下),我们这些鼠辈不仅要掌握已知的(事物)而且要探求未知的(事物)。
      We, in a rat-race, are urged to not only grasp the known but also quest for the unknown.

15. 你们都看过那个鼠辈的作为。
      You've seen the way the sneaky bloke operates.

16. 鼠辈

16. 一份据说是卡扎菲发出的广播讲话,呼吁的黎波里民众清除那里所谓的罪犯,叛徒和鼠辈
      An audio message said to be from Gadhafi called on the residents of Tripoli to clear the city of what he called criminals, traitors and rats.

17. 从绝望的城市走入绝望的乡村,你不得不用鼠辈的勇毅自嘲。
      From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.

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