
Abidjan是什么意思 Abidjan在线翻译 Abidjan什么意思 Abidjan的意思 Abidjan的翻译 Abidjan的解释 Abidjan的发音 Abidjan的同义词 Abidjan的反义词

Abidjan [ˌæbiˈdʒɑ:n]  [ˌæbɪˈdʒɑn] 

Abidjan 基本解释


Abidjan 网络解释

1. Abidjan的反义词

1. 阿比让:摘要: 西非著名良港阿比让 阿比让(abidjan)是西非最富裕的国家--科特迪瓦(原象牙海岸)原来的首都,它是科特迪瓦最大的城市,也是西非洲著名的良港. 人口185万(1985年统计). 科特迪瓦是一个农业国. 农产品以咖啡和可可为主,

2. 阿必尚:- 3月29日象牙海岸医护消息来源表示,争相目睹足球明星的球迷今天在阿必尚(Abidjan)体育馆观赏世界杯会外赛时,发生人踩人事件,造成至少19人丧生,数百人受伤,其中多人伤势危急.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 阿比让[科特迪瓦]:Abadan 阿巴丹(伊朗) | Abidjan 阿比让(科特迪瓦) | Abu Dhabi 阿不扎比(阿联酋)

4. 阿比让 科特迪瓦 西非:5 Aberdeen 阿伯丁郡 英国 欧洲 | 6 Abidjan 阿比让 科特迪瓦 西非 | 7 Abu Dhabi 阿布扎比 阿联酋

Abidjan 单语例句

1. A large number of veterans gathered in Abidjan on Saturday night for a meeting to help achieve the concord and cohesion.

2. Explosions and gunfire were heard throughout Abidjan - once known as the " Paris of Africa " for its cosmopolitan nightlife and chic boutiques.

3. Gbagbo is cornered after swift military advances by the rival Republican Forces, which entered Abidjan a week ago to attack his last fortress.

4. Gbagbo's officials in the main city of Abidjan declined to comment.

5. Thousands of young supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo were reported marching on Abidjan airport, where a company of French infantry was stationed.

6. Xinhua said protesters had left the places they had besieged for several days, including the French military base and the United Nations'headquarters in Abidjan.

7. Garbage has filled the streets of Abidjan as waste sites have been blocked off.

8. Ouattara has been holed up in an Abidjan hotel where he and his supporters are paying their expenses with help from other countries and savings.

9. Also, heavily armed French reinforcements moved south from Yamoussoukro to help restore calm in Abidjan.

10. The incident was the worst of its kind in Abidjan since 2010, when a stampede at a stadium during a football match killed 18 people.

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