
as是什么意思 as在线翻译 as什么意思 as的意思 as的翻译 as的解释 as的发音 as的同义词 as的反义词 as的例句 as的相关词组 as意思是什么

as [əz]  [æz,əz] 

as 基本解释

副词同样地,一样地; 例如

介词作为,以…的身份; 如同

连词由于; 像,像…一样; 同时,当…时; 尽管


as 相关词组

1. as is : 照现在的样子;

2. as if : 好像;

3. as long as : 只要...;

4. as it were : 可以说是, 似乎就是;

5. as yet : 至今仍;

as 相关例句


1. Sam is as rich as Alexander.


1. as什么意思

1. She didn't think much of him as a painter.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Tired as he was, he sat up late.

2. You ought to do as Paul tells you.


1. He has earned as much money as I have.

as 情景对话


A:There’s a football game on (too/ also/ as well).

B:Go watch it at John’s.


A:Please stop me if you have any question.

B:I will.


A:Duck your head as you go through the door there.


B:Thank you.


B:What kind of work-related experience do you have?

A:Well, I worked for (two years/ six months/ ten years) as manager at my previous company.

as 网络解释

1. 汇编器:Binutils 是一组很重要的开发工具,包括链接器(ld)、汇编器(as)、反汇编器(objdump)和其他用于目标文件和档案的工具(ar),也是gcc的依赖项.

2. as的意思

2. 澳大利亚标准:答:澳大利亚标准(AS)与新西兰标准(NZS)在1999年两国标准化组织达成协议,由两国共同发布绝大部分标准,标准属于同级别采用,查找NZA可以在AS标准中查找,查找AS标准可在NZS查找.

3. 砷:表1 玩具材料中转移元素的最高可溶含量 单位:ppm(mg/kg) 元素铅(Pb) 砷(As) 锑(Sb) 钡(Ba) 镉(Cb) 铬(Cr) 汞(Hg) 硒(Se 含量 90 25 60 1000 75 60 60 500 1.3.6 玩具化妆品,液体,糊剂 ,凝胶和粉末---本要求的目的是减少玩具的化妆品和液体,

4. as:activity sludge; 活性污泥

5. as是什么意思

5. as:arkylosing spondylitis; 强直性脊柱炎

6. as:applied sever; 应用服务器

7. as:athero sclerosis; 动脉硬化

as 词典解释


1. (表示两件事情同时发生)当…的时候,在…的同时
    If something happens as something else happens, it happens at the same time.

    e.g. Another policeman has been injured as fighting continued this morning...
    e.g. All the jury's eyes were on him as he continued...

2. 像…一样
    You use the structure as...as when you are comparing things.

    e.g. I never went through a final exam that was as difficult as that one...
    e.g. There was no obvious reason why this could not be as good a film as the original.

3. (强调数量)多达,只有
    You use as...as to emphasize amounts of something.


    e.g. You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month...
    e.g. She gets as many as eight thousand letters a month.

4. 作为;当作
    You use as when you are indicating what someone or something is or is thought to be, or what function they have.

    e.g. He has worked as a diplomat in the US, Sudan and Saudi Arabia...
    e.g. The news apparently came as a complete surprise...

5. 还是…的时候
    If you do something as a child or as a teenager, for example, you do it when you are a child or a teenager.

    e.g. She loved singing as a child and started vocal training at 12.

6. 同样地;一样地;像…一样
    You use as to say how something happens or is done, or to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else.

    e.g. I'll behave toward them as I would like to be treated...
    e.g. Today, as usual, he was wearing a three-piece suit...

7. 因为;作为(结果)
    You use as in expressions like as a result and as a consequence to indicate how two situations or events are related to each other.

    e.g. As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they're away...
    e.g. In this changing business environment, different demands are being placed on employees. As a consequence, the education system needs to change.

8. (引导短从句)正如,就像
    You use as to introduce short clauses which comment on the truth of what you are saying.

    e.g. As you can see, we're still working...
    e.g. We were sitting, as I remember, in a riverside restaurant.

9. 因为;由于
    You can use as to mean 'because' when you are explaining the reason for something.


    e.g. They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety, but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with...
    e.g. Enjoy the first hour of the day. This is important as it sets the mood for the rest of the day.

You can use as, because, since, or for to give an explanation for something. Because is the commonest of these, and is used when answering a question beginning with 'why?'.You can use as or since instead of because to introduce a clause containing a reason for something, especially in writing. ...a note about The National Portrait Gallery, as the word 'Gallery' can be misleading... Since the juice is quite strong, you should always dilute it. In stories, for is sometimes used to explain or justify something. He seemed to be in need of company, for he suddenly went back into the house. Note that because is a conjunction, and is used to link two ideas within one sentence. I'm unsocial, because of my deafness.
as, because, since 和 for 都可以表示“因为”。because 最常用,往往用来回答以why开头的疑问句。as 和 since 尤用于书面语中,可以代替 because 引导原因从句。如:a note about The National Portrait Gallery, as the word ‘Gallery’can be misleading(对 The National Portrait Gallery 的注释,因为 Gallery 一词易产生歧义),Since the juice is quite strong, you should always dilute it(这果汁很浓,你应该把它冲淡一些)。在讲故事时,for 用来解释或证明某事。如:He seemed to be in need of company, for suddenly he went back into the house (他看上去需要有个伴,因为他突然又回到屋里去了)。注意,because是连词,用于连接一个句子中的两个部分,如:I'm unsocial, because of my deafness (由于失聪,我不喜欢社交)。

10. 可以说;在某种程度上
      You say as it were in order to make what you are saying sound less definite.

      e.g. I'd understood the words, but I didn't, as it were, understand the question.

11. 事实上,实际上(表示实际情况和可能情况的对比)
      You use expressions such as as it is ,as it turns out, and as things stand when you are making a contrast between a possible situation and what actually happened or is the case.

      e.g. I want to work at home on a Tuesday but as it turns out sometimes it's a Wednesday or a Thursday.

12. as against -> see against
      as ever -> see ever
      as a matter of fact -> see fact
      as follows -> see follow
      as long as -> see long
      as opposed to -> see opposed
      as regards -> see regard
      as soon as -> see soon
      as such -> see such
      as well -> see well
      as well as -> see well
      as yet -> see yet


1. 至于…
    You use as for and as to at the beginning of a sentence in order to introduce a slightly different subject that is still connected to the previous one.

    e.g. I feel that there's a lot of pressure put on policemen. And as for putting guns in their hands, I don't think that's a very good idea at all.

2. 关于…
    You use as to to indicate what something refers to.


    e.g. They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help...
    e.g. Andy sat down at the table and inquired as to what the problem was.

3. 在…时;从…起;自…始
    If you say that something will happen as of, or in British English as from, a particular date or time, you mean that it will happen from that time on.


    e.g. The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January the 1st...
    e.g. She is to retire as from 1 October.

4. 好像;仿佛
    You use as if and as though when you are giving a possible explanation for something or saying that something appears to be the case when it is not.

    e.g. Anne shrugged, as if she didn't know...
    e.g. He burst into a high-pitched laugh, as though he'd said something funny.

as 单语例句

1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118.

2. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.

3. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

4. Take the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing as an example.

5. The demand for business software among Chinese SMEs is growing as more and more of them seek to boost their efficiency.

6. Steep drops were across the board as all 42 components of the benchmark Hang Seng Index were under selling pressure.

7. Today a business textbook would probably render that as " target those at the top end of your market ".

8. He quit a stable job as an English teacher at Peking University and started up a business to help students develop their English skills.

9. With English as the language of business in Singapore and the world, it has a predominant role at NUS.

10. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.

as 英英释义


1. to the same degree (often followed by `as')

    e.g. they were equally beautiful
           birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly
           sang as sweetly as a nightingale
           he is every bit as mean as she is

    Synonym: equallyevery bit

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