
Barents Sea是什么意思 Barents Sea在线翻译 Barents Sea什么意思 Barents Sea的意思 Barents Sea的翻译 Barents Sea的解释 Barents Sea的发音

Barents Sea

Barents Sea 双语例句

1. Barents Sea在线翻译

1. In a new move, ICES set a new recommended TAC of 390, 000MT on the catch of Barents Sea Capelin for 2009 after a 5 year recommended Zero-TAC.

2. Which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.

3. Barents Sea

3. Russian companies such as Gazprom are already developing fields in the Barents Sea.

4. Barents Sea的近义词

4. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents sea for weeks was on its way home.
    名叫 Elko 的小船已经在巴伦支海打捞了几个星期了,正在返航的路上。

5. The region is already pocked with overlapping territorial claims, such as that between Norway and Russia in the Barents Sea.

6. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.

7. The enormous Shtokman gas field in the Barents Sea could be an early test of international sentiment.

8. The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea.

9. From the end of 1970s, the Greenland Sea, the Barents Sea and the most part of Euro-Asian continent and North American continent are getting warmer, whereas the Labrador Sea, the Greenland and the area around the Bering Strait are getting colder.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. The Norwegian diving platform " Regalia " at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday.

11. A city of northwest European u. s. s. r. on the northern Kola Peninsula on an inlet of the Barents sea. a major ice-free port, it was the terminus of an important supply line to the U. S. S. R. in World Wars I and ii. population, 419000.

12. The submarine lies at a depth of 6, 000 feet in the Barents Sea.

13. The seas near the Greenland Island (mainly including Greenland Sea, Iceland Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea) are the main channels connecting the Arctic and other Oceans, where significant water and energy exchange take place.

14. The results indicate that in spring and winter, sea-ice variability are predominant in the following sea regions: the Kara and the Barents Seas, the Greenland Sea, the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, the Bering Sea;

15. One major gas prone petroleum system characterises the sparsely explored South and North Barents Basin Provinces of the Russian Arctic in the eastern Barents Sea.

16. Vertical distribution of bacteria and their relation to algal biomass in the high arctic sea ice from the Barents Sea and Laptev Sea

17. Barents Sea什么意思

17. The correlations are significant between sea-ice area index of Kara Barents and Greenland seas, which locate on the north of the continent of Europe and Asian, and spring sand-storm's occurrence times in Ningxia.

18. Annual natural gas production will increase to 735-755 billion cubic meters in the year 2000 and 820-860 billion cubic meters in 2010 through development of natural gas fields in the Yamal peninsula, the Barents sea, and the continental shelf of the Sakhalin Islands.

19. Barents Sea

19. Russia and Norway have agreed a deal to divide up their shares of the Barents Sea.

20. Barents Sea的反义词

20. The Finnish CRussian border was agreed at the Treaty of Tartu in1920, largely following the historic border but adding Petsamo and its Barents Sea harbour to Finland.

Barents Sea 单语例句

1. The two countries have already begun developing the natural resources buried beneath the floor of the Barents Sea.

2. Untapped reserves in the Barents Sea and Eastern Siberia offer rich sources of new supply.

3. Russia's navy has suffered a string of fatal accidents, including the loss of the Kursk nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea in August 2000.

4. Bears in the Barents Sea with high levels of toxic PCBs suffered disruptions to thyroid hormones.

5. The Russian president was on a visit to the Barents Sea naval base of Severomorsk at the time.

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