
beneath是什么意思 beneath在线翻译 beneath什么意思 beneath的意思 beneath的翻译 beneath的解释 beneath的发音 beneath的同义词 beneath的反义词

beneath [bɪˈni:θ]  [bɪˈniθ] 

beneath 基本解释

介词在…的下方; (表示等级)低于; (表示状态)在…掩饰之下; (表示环境)在…影响之下

副词在下面; 在底下

beneath 同义词




beneath 反义词



beneath 相关例句


1. As we flew over the mountains we could see that there were snowy peaks beneath.


1. beneath

1. It would be beneath him to do that.

2. beneath在线翻译

2. He considered that job beneath him.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. He is beneath his brother intellectually.

4. Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees?

beneath 网络解释

1. 脚下:影片介绍 注意:在线观看影片前,请确认您已安装 哇嘎播播 224死亡隧道 (Death Tunnel) 更多名称: 电影类型:恐怖地 ...影片介绍 注意:在线观看影片前,请确认您已安装 哇嘎播播 223脚下 (Beneath) 更多名称: 电影类型:恐怖地 区:美国 ...影片介绍 注意:在线观看影片前,

2. 下:Kornberg说此次实验将目光放在先前从未重视的一些现象--在配对碱基之下(beneath)的附加蛋白密度(protein density,生物同编者译). 追溯这种蛋白密度一直到达聚合酶II的trigger loop区域. Kornberg说,

3. 之下:Kornberg说此次实验将目光放在先前从未重视的一些现象--在配对碱基之下(beneath)的附加蛋白密度(protein density,生物同编者译). 追溯这种蛋白密度一直到达聚合酶II的trigger loop区域. Kornberg说,

4. 在下方:bend 使弯曲 | beneath 在. . . 下方 | beneficial 有益的,受益的

beneath 词典解释

1. 在…之下;在…下面
    Something that is beneath another thing is under the other thing.

    e.g. She could see the muscles of his shoulders beneath his T-shirt...
    e.g. She found pleasure in sitting beneath the trees...

2. 在…表面之下;在…的背后
    If you talk about what is beneath the surface of something, you are talking about the aspects of it which are hidden or not obvious.


    e.g. ...emotional strains beneath the surface...
    e.g. Somewhere deep beneath the surface lay a caring character...

3. 不如;比不上;配不上
    If you say that someone or something is beneath you, you feel that they are not good enough for you or not suitable for you.


    e.g. They decided she was marrying beneath her...
    e.g. Many find themselves having to take jobs far beneath them.

beneath 单语例句

1. Campaigners say the scanners act like a mini radar device " seeing " beneath ordinary clothing.

2. They do not know the lay of the land beneath most of the world's glaciers well enough to calculate how fast the ice might retreat.

3. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice took the call in a bunker beneath the presidential mansion.

4. Food tastes better when eaten straight off the grill - beneath a canopy of stars in fresh air and picturesque settings.

5. Rescuers yesterday continued to find survivors beneath the carnage more than 120 hours after the quake wrought widespread devastation.

6. The procession wound through the city's Old Town and then along Prince's Street beneath the ramparts of the castle towering over the city center.

7. Cavernous basements tucked beneath the tower's legs house massive, hydraulic motors that power the two visitors'elevators.

8. The rest of the articles celebrate and question what the eye can see and also conjecture about what still lies beneath.

9. The bar's interior is spacious and modern, with exposed metal beams beneath a cement roof lending an industrial yet sophisticated edge.

10. Kissel recalled her husband struck her on Christmas Eve 2002 for not arranging Christmas presents beneath their tree properly.

beneath 英英释义


1. in or to a place that is lower

    Synonym: belowat a lower placeto a lower place

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