
below是什么意思 below在线翻译 below什么意思 below的意思 below的翻译 below的解释 below的发音 below的同义词 below的反义词 below的例句

below [bɪˈləʊ]  [bɪˈloʊ] 

below 基本解释


介词低于; (表示位置)在…下面; (表示状态)在…掩饰之下; (表示比较)不及

below 同义词

below 反义词



below 相关例句


1. See p.17 below.

2. From the hill top we could see the plains below.


1. He was below her in intelligence.

2. below的翻译

2. The temperature is below zero.

3. Stan thought doing that kind of thing below him.

below 情景对话



A:Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?

B:Yes,it is. Please put your luggage on the scale.


A:You luggage is overweight. The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos.

B:Oh, can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage?

A:Ok, in this way it’s just below the limit. Here’s your ticket and your boarding card.

B:All right. I will begin boarding soon.

below 网络解释

1. 之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<<深度梦魇>>(WesCravenPresents:They)、<<深水之下>>(Below)、<<情归雷诺>>(WakingUpInReno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.

2. below的翻译

2. 下:[漆黑一片]导演大卫.杜西继续在[雷迪克:宇宙破坏者]中担任编剧和导演工作,看过[漆黑一片]或者是[深水之下](Below)的人都不会怀疑他是同时代导演中真正优秀的一位.

3. 深层恐惧:以下为 深层恐惧(Below) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 这次水下的恐怖旅程开始于二战期间,一艘名叫虎鲨号的美军潜艇. 虎鲨号正航行在大西洋海域中,他们刚刚完成了一次漫长且致命的任务,正往目的港康涅狄格进发.

4. 深水之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<<深度梦魇>>(Wes Craven Presents: They)、<<深水之下>>(Below)、<<情归雷诺>>(Waking U In Reno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.

below 词典解释

1. (位置)在…下面,低于
    If something is below something else, it is in a lower position.

    e.g. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's...
    e.g. The path runs below a long brick wall...

2. 在地下;在地表以下
    If something is below ground or below the ground, it is in the ground.


    e.g. They have designed a system which pumps up water from 70m below ground...
    e.g. Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity.

3. 以下;在下文中
    You use below in a piece of writing to refer to something that is mentioned later.

    e.g. Please write to me at the address below...
    e.g. The BBC Good Food Show is giving away free tickets in a competition. For details, see below.

4. (数量、比率或水平)低于,小于,少于
    If something is below a particular amount, rate, or level, it is less than that amount, rate, or level.


    e.g. Night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius...
    e.g. British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation...

5. (职位、官衔等)低于
    If someone is below you in an organization, they are lower in rank.

    e.g. Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them.
    e.g. ...pay rises awarded to all white-collar staff below chief officer level.

6. below par -> see par

below 单语例句

1. The export business sentiment index below 100 indicates that the number of companies forecasting exports will deteriorate outnumbered those expecting improvement.

2. Punters can perch on a raised platform that runs along its periphery to gaze at the bustling bridge and watch boats float below.

3. A window pane which fell several storeys was still intact after crashing onto the head of a butcher working below.

4. It hung well below the knees and buttoned up to the neck.

5. The level of lead detected was far below the set limit of 40 ppm by the mainland standard and 20 ppm by the Taiwan standard.

6. Tang predicted earlier that the jobless rate would fall below 7 per cent some time by the end of this year.

7. The temperature dropped below 10 C for quite a long time in the southern metropolis, which is also known as a city of coconut trees.

8. The call comes after a fifth incident in a year in which corrosive substances have been dropped from heights on pedestrians below.

9. It was expected to drop below tropical storm strength - 39 mph - before midnight, and was to drift into Canada later Sunday or early Monday.

10. Sweden and Finland have battled for third place at most major global events, a notch below the US and Canadian women but above the rest of their rivals.

below 英英释义


1. at a later place

    e.g. see below

2. in or to a place that is lower

    Synonym: at a lower placeto a lower placebeneath

3. on a floor below

    e.g. the tenants live downstairs

    Synonym: downstairsdown the stairson a lower floor

4. (in writing) see below

    e.g. vide infra

    Synonym: infra

5. further down

    e.g. see under for further discussion

    Synonym: under

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