
dread是什么意思 dread在线翻译 dread什么意思 dread的意思 dread的翻译 dread的解释 dread的发音 dread的同义词 dread的反义词 dread的例句

dread [dred]  [drɛd] 


dread 基本解释

及物动词害怕,担心; (古语)敬畏

名词恐惧,畏惧; 令人恐惧的事物



dread 相关例句


1. She dreads going to the dentist.

2. He dreads to see her again.


1. Plague was a great dread.

2. dread什么意思

2. It was the dread of all animals.

3. She has a dread of snakes.

dread 网络解释

1. dread的翻译

1. 害怕:和战神阿利斯生了大儿子霍伯(Phobos),Phobos是恐惧(Fear)的意思;二儿子叫做戴蒙(Deimos),Deimos是害怕(dread)的意思;小女儿叫阴狱(Enyo),Enyo也是个太妹,是惊恐(horror)的意思!

2. 畏惧:再去恐惧神域,从恐惧(fright)、 恐怖(terror)或 畏惧(dread)中的任何一个身上掠夺永生石人之球. 他们是卡兹-土勒个人守卫,50-52级有名字的传说中有生命的假人,位于神庙里. 然后带着剑柄、矿石、和永生石人之球回去找文登-布莱克汉姆,

dread 词典解释

1. 非常担心;极为害怕
    If you dread something which may happen, you feel very anxious and unhappy about it because you think it will be unpleasant or upsetting.


    e.g. I'm dreading Christmas this year...
    e.g. I dreaded coming back, to be honest...

2. 忧虑;恐惧
    Dread is a feeling of great anxiety and fear about something that may happen.

    e.g. She thought with dread of the cold winters to come.

3. 可怕的;令人畏惧的
    Dread means terrible and greatly feared.


    e.g. ...a more effective national policy to combat this dread disease.

4. 恼火的;生气的;不想要的
    You can use dread to describe something that you, or a particular group of people, find annoying or undesirable.

    e.g. ...the dread phrase 'politically correct'.

5. see also: dreaded

6. 不敢想
    If you say that you dread to think what might happen, you mean that you are anxious about it because it is likely to be very unpleasant.

    e.g. I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency...
    e.g. I dread to think what Hollywood is planning to do with this interesting little story.

dread 单语例句

1. This is the first time that compensation for medical insurance and dread disease insurance have been made widely available to community hospitals.

2. The guideline defines 25 dread diseases which are common among adults because dread disease insurance policies are bought mainly by adult clients.

3. Experts recommend audio entertainment as a distraction in order to avoid spending a flight in dread fear.

4. Britain reacted to the purchase with a mixture of awe and dread.

5. Police began releasing the identities of the 26 dead to a grieving community that had come to dread the coming Christmas holiday.

6. He does not dread flaws in his work either and concedes some of the critics have hit the nail on the head.

7. Contamination of food and water compounds the government's difficulties, heightening the broader public's sense of dread about safety.

8. So, now policymakers in the West dread the prospect of being replaced and threatened by China.

9. I dread to think of the day when the little snow that is left completely vanishes.

10. The better life the smugglers promised them was an invitation to suffer dread.

dread 英英释义


1. fearful expectation or anticipation

    e.g. the student looked around the examination room with apprehension

    Synonym: apprehensionapprehensiveness



1. be afraid or scared of
    be frightened of

    e.g. I fear the winters in Moscow
           We should not fear the Communists!

    Synonym: fear

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