
repel是什么意思 repel在线翻译 repel什么意思 repel的意思 repel的翻译 repel的解释 repel的发音 repel的同义词 repel的反义词 repel的例句

repel [rɪˈpel]  [rɪˈpɛl] 


repel 基本解释

及物动词击退; 抵制; 使厌恶; 使不愉快

repel 同义词

repel 反义词



repel 相关例句


1. We can repel bad thoughts.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. A plastic coating repels moisture.

3. Any deformity frightened and repelled her.

4. repel

4. Water repels oil.


1. repel

1. Opposite poles attract, like poles repel.

repel 网络解释

1. 排斥:这些具备用户自定义功能的超强效果属性设置,例如:吸引(Attract)、排斥(Repel)、比例(Scale)、弹动(Bounce)、抖动(Jitter)、闪动(Flash)和模糊(Blur)等,可以插入到任意效果层,并自动产生相应的效果特效.

2. repel的翻译

2. 驱逐:全能骑士的驱逐(Repel)也能完全的抵挡所受的攻击. 虽然剑圣在旋转的时候魔法免疫,但是仍旧可以被物理攻击,一些英雄/物品的附加效果比如眩晕和残废依然可以在攻击你的时候起作用. 另外还要小心无视魔免的技能,

3. 选择项,设置斥力:Affects影响属性. | Repel选择项,设置斥力. | Force斥力大小.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 逐退,拒绝,驱逐:repeat 重说,再述 | repel 逐退,拒绝,驱逐 | repent 懊悔

repel 词典解释

1. 击退;驱逐
    When an army repels an attack, they successfully fight and drive back soldiers from another army who have attacked them.

    e.g. They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack.

2. (磁极、电荷之间)排斥
    When a magnetic pole repels another magnetic pole, it gives out a force that pushes the other pole away. You can also say that two magnetic poles repel each other or that they repel .

    e.g. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract...
    e.g. As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.

3. 使厌恶;使讨厌
    If something repels you, you find it horrible and disgusting.

    e.g. ...a violent excitement that frightened and repelled her.

She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled.

repel 单语例句

1. Police used water cannon and fire extinguishers to repel the protestors who attempted to storm government offices.

2. The destroyer positioned itself between the small pirate boats trying to board the cargo ships and used its helicopter to repel them.

3. Sarkozy's comment came amid the UN Security Council statement on Monday allowing France and other countries to help the Chadian government to repel the rebels.

4. The fund can also aid troubled banks and offer credit lines to repel speculators.

5. The City University of Hong Kong has designed an electric fan that can curb growth of bacteria and repel mosquitoes.

6. Magnets built into the floor and into the bed itself repel each other, pushing the bed up into the air.

7. The fort is still there today, its door made from stone and its walls hard enough to repel attackers.

8. It originated from the paintings of ancient doorkeepers, and is believed to repel evils when posted on the door of a home.

9. It is originated from the paintings of ancient doorkeepers, and is believed to repel evils when posted on the door of a home.

10. It was the first victorious war the Chinese people fought to repel foreign aggression since the First Opium War in 1840.

repel 英英释义



1. reject outright and bluntly

    e.g. She snubbed his proposal

    Synonym: rebuffsnub

2. force or drive back

    e.g. repel the attacker
           fight off the onslaught
           rebuff the attack

    Synonym: repulsefight offrebuffdrive back

3. cause to move back by force or influence

    e.g. repel the enemy
           push back the urge to smoke
           beat back the invaders

    Synonym: driverepulseforce backpush backbeat back

4. be repellent to
    cause aversion in

    Synonym: repulse

5. fill with distaste

    e.g. This spoilt food disgusts me

    Synonym: disgustgross outrevolt

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