
revolt是什么意思 revolt在线翻译 revolt什么意思 revolt的意思 revolt的翻译 revolt的解释 revolt的发音 revolt的同义词 revolt的反义词 revolt的例句

revolt [rɪˈvəʊlt]  [rɪˈvoʊlt] 


revolt 基本解释


不及物动词反叛,背叛; 厌恶,反感



revolt 同义词

revolt 反义词



revolt 相关词组

1. in revolt : 反抗, 造 反, 起义, 叛乱;

2. rise in revolt : 起来反抗;

revolt 网络解释

1. 反抗:「这本书建立的,是无辜(Innocence)与反抗(Revolt)的世界,那个年代的法国,所有东西都美,家俬、服装......」「主角追逐的梦,往往超越现实. 我喜欢想像,<<伊人当自强>>(Erin Brockovich)这类反映现实的片子,好看,但不是我那杯茶.

2. 起义:维吾尔人起义(revolt)侵蚀中国的计画:中国人民总是快乐地以自由换取繁荣...受到经济衰退打击的台湾已经开始高度(heavily)仰赖经济发电机:中国,台湾的政治领袖冒著受北京恩惠的风险,

3. revolt的翻译

3. 叛乱:revive (使)复苏 | revolt 叛乱 | revolve (使)旋转

revolt 词典解释

1. 反叛;起义;叛乱;抗争
    A revolt is an illegal and often violent attempt by a group of people to change their country's political system.

    e.g. It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders...
    e.g. The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914.

2. 反叛;起义;叛乱;抗争
    When people revolt, they make an illegal and often violent attempt to change their country's political system.


    e.g. In 1375 the townspeople revolted...
    e.g. Zanzibar's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964.

3. (对权威的)反抗,拒绝服从
    A revolt by a person or group against someone or something is a refusal to accept the authority of that person or thing.


    e.g. The prime minister is facing a revolt by party activists over his refusal to hold a referendum...
    e.g. Soon the entire armed forces were in open revolt.

4. 反抗,拒绝服从(权威)
    When people revolt against someone or something, they reject the authority of that person or reject that thing.


    e.g. The prime minister only reacted when three of his senior cabinet colleagues revolted and resigned in protest on Friday night...
    e.g. Caroline revolted against her ballet training at sixteen.

revolt 单语例句


1. And when the choice was between death by starvation and a political revolt, it was but rational to expect the workers to overthrow capitalist regimes.

2. Jailed collaborators tend to cite financial hardship for their recruitment by Israeli intelligence in its war with militant factions leading the revolt for statehood.

3. A grassroots revolt against Canadian seal products that led to a trade deal suspension portrays a shift in China's consumer conscience.

4. Khartoum mobilised mostly Arab militias to crush the revolt but denies US accusations this amounted to genocide.

5. Some in the construction crews were local Palestinians desperate for work almost four years into an economically disastrous revolt against Israel waged by militant factions.

6. But he failed to cope with growing Indian discontent that helped topple his predecessor in a similar popular revolt over natural gas.

7. Talking down to them is like waving a red flag in front of a bull, and just asking for a revolt.

8. State prosecutors have yet to file charges related to the revolt foiled last week.

9. The ballet tells the story of Roman gladiator Spartacus who leads a slave revolt.

10. He was dethroned by a mass revolt in 2001 and was later convicted of graft.

revolt 英英释义



1. organized opposition to authority
    a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another

    Synonym: rebellioninsurrectionrisinguprising



1. cause aversion in
    offend the moral sense of

    e.g. The pornographic pictures sickened us

    Synonym: disgustnauseatesickenchurn up

2. fill with distaste

    e.g. This spoilt food disgusts me

    Synonym: disgustgross outrepel

3. make revolution

    e.g. The people revolted when bread prices tripled again

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