
boiling point是什么意思 boiling point在线翻译 boiling point什么意思 boiling point的意思 boiling point的翻译 boiling point的解释 boiling point的发音

boiling point [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ pɔint]  [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ pɔɪnt] 

boiling point 基本解释


boiling point 反义词

boiling point

boiling point 网络解释

1. 沸点:(6)沸点(boiling point) 液体受热发生沸腾而变成气体时的温度. 或者说是液体和它的蒸气处于平衡状态时的温度. 一般来说,沸点越低,挥发性越大. (7)沸程(boiling range) 在标准甲醛用途下(1013.25hpa,0℃),在产品标准规定的温度范围内的馏出体积.

2. 爱情的沸点:boil down to 归结起来是;其结果是 | boiling point 爱情的沸点 | bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

3. boiling point在线翻译

3. 高潮(恋爱):blow something (all) out proportion 言过其实 | boiling point 高潮(恋爱) | bologna 乱讲

4. 热血干探:致命浪漫 True Romance (1993) | 热血干探 Boiling Point (1993) | 小子要自强 The Power of One (1992)

boiling point 词典解释

1. 沸点
    The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it starts to change into steam or vapour. For example, the boiling point of water is 100˚ centigrade.

    e.g. The boiling point of water is 373 K...
    e.g. Heat the cream to boiling point and pour three quarters of it over the chocolate.

2. (局势的)爆发点
    If a situation reaches boiling point, the people involved have become so angry that they can no longer remain calm and in control of themselves.

    e.g. The situation is rapidly reaching boiling point, and the army has been put on stand-by...
    e.g. Mal's temper was at boiling point.

boiling point 单语例句

1. The issue at times would reach boiling point where a person would be sort of kidnapped in the crowd to ascertain the true identity.

2. Let's explore the answer at the Boiling Point Forum of the China Internet Conference.

3. Then you bring them just to boiling point, cover them with a lid and let them bake silently on a low heat.

4. Chef Shi brings the noodles to boiling point twice so they still have a little bite in the center.

5. The heat is then used to bring water to boiling point, and when vaporization occurs the salt becomes separated.

6. The country's economic situation was at boiling point in October 2009, but the EU apparently saw no sign of the debt crisis.

7. Bring the stock back to boiling point, then IMMEDIATELY remove the whole pot from the stove.

8. In any case, it's expensive to keep the geyser close to boiling point all the time.

9. If you want to stop the boiling, you must turn off the fire before it reaches the boiling point.

10. Since early 2009, the housing market has once again become a hot pot at boiling point.

boiling point 英英释义


1. being highly angry or excited
    ready to boil over

    e.g. after an hour of waiting I was at the boiling point

2. the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level

    e.g. they brought the water to a boil

    Synonym: boil

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