
fore是什么意思 fore在线翻译 fore什么意思 fore的意思 fore的翻译 fore的解释 fore的发音 fore的同义词 fore的反义词 fore的例句 fore的相关词组

fore [fɔ:(r)]  [fɔ:r] 

fore 基本解释

形容词在前部的; 以前的

副词在前头,朝前头; 在前面

名词船头; 前部



fore 同义词


fore 反义词


fore 相关词组

1. at the fore : 在前面;

2. come to the fore : 出名;

3. to the fore : 在手头, 在前面;

fore 相关例句


1. The captain went fore.


1. fore的近义词

1. Her seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.


1. fore在线翻译

1. He came to the fore as a physicist at an early age.

fore 网络解释

1. 向前:IKONOS卫星采用三线式立体成像系统,拥有3排CCD阵列感测器,分别可向前(fore)、向下(nadir)、向后(aft)扫瞄成像. 当卫星在轨道上行进时,如下图2,前视,底视及后视之扫描器分别对地面扫描成像,由此类似航带摄影之方式,

2. 福雷:在20世纪50年代初,居住在大洋洲巴布亚新几内亚高原的福雷(Fore)部族的不少人患上了后来被叫做库鲁病的疾病,主要表现是全身战栗性震颤,手足有扭曲动作,最后出现语音障碍、失语直至完全不能运动,发病后不到一年就死亡.

3. 躲开(击球者提醒他人注意后方来球):Follow wind 顺风(也可以说Fallow) | Fore 躲开(击球者提醒他人注意后方来球) | Form 姿势

fore 词典解释

1. 崭露头角;引人关注
    If someone or something comes to the fore in a particular situation or group, they become important or popular.


    e.g. A number of low-budget independent films brought new directors and actors to the fore.

2. (动物、船只或飞行器)前部的,前端的
    Fore is used to refer to parts at the front of an animal, ship, or aircraft.


    e.g. There had been no direct damage in the fore part of the ship.
    e.g. ...a swelling appeared below his near fore knee.

3. 在船头;在飞行器前部
    If something is fore in a boat or plane, it is at the front of it.


    e.g. Our yacht was well equipped with two double cabins fore and aft...
    e.g. He loosened his very strong hold on the ship's rail and glanced fore and aft.

fore 单语例句

1. Augusto said the country's technological competitiveness will come to the fore within six years.

2. The nuance seems to be lost when an emotional issue like Japan's downplaying of the Rape of Nanking in its textbooks come to the fore.

3. With the flow of a staggering number of peasants into cities, the issue of migrant workers has come to the fore.

4. With the lunar new year just two days away, the annual bonus has come to the fore once again and sparked a fierce debate.

5. While differences over the war have receded, some economic issues have come to the fore.

6. Australia's current prime minister understands the cultural nuances of both nations, permitting our bilateral trade with China to come to the fore.

7. The issue has come to the fore now because the first special licenses governing the removal of skeletons are up for renewal.

8. Valentine's Day has been around for centuries and has increasingly come to the fore.

9. But when conflict and rivalry come to the fore, they focus on kicking each other out of the way.

10. Moreover, a contingent of qualified space scientists and technicians has come to the fore.

fore 英英释义


1. front part of a vessel or aircraft

    e.g. he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line

    Synonym: bowprowstem



1. near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane

    e.g. the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments

    Synonym: forward

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