
stem是什么意思 stem在线翻译 stem什么意思 stem的意思 stem的翻译 stem的解释 stem的发音 stem的同义词 stem的反义词 stem的例句 stem的相关词组

stem [stem]  [stɛm] 


stem 基本解释

名词(花草的)茎; 词干; (高脚酒杯的)脚; 烟斗柄

及物动词阻止; 遏制[阻止](液体的流动等); 封堵; 遏止

stem 同义词



stem 反义词


stem 相关词组

1. from stem to stern : 从头到尾;

stem 相关例句


1. When you swim up stream, you have to stem the current.

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2. Measures have been taken to stem inflation.


1. Correct decisions stem from correct judgements.


1. stem

1. The sea ran high, and swept the little craft from stem to stern.

2. Bindweed ran up the stems of the corn.

stem 网络解释

1. stem的翻译

1. 阀杆:圆盘状的阀座 (Disc) 在中心部设有阀杆 (Stem),其代表性之构造可分:一般最常用的一种,阀杆 (Stem) 贯通阀座 (Disc) 的中央部,可做 90° 的旋转,使其开或关,但是封密性较差.

2. stem的意思

2. 车把立:车把立(stem)老骑手虽然腹部被压迫,增加心肺机能的负担,但为了减轻空气的阻力,采取上半身低

3. 茎:例如学习单词叶子(leaf),根(root), 茎 (stem)和花(flower)时,老师让孩子把叶子,根,茎,花的图拼到一张白纸上,构成一幅完整的植物图形,然后贴上,再涂上颜色,最后把单词贴到相应的部位上.

4. 词干:(2) 词干(stem) 指的是未经词形变化的原形词. 例如:动词toimpede(hinder)的词根是impede,必须注意,词的词形变化(inflection)不属于构词法研究的对象,这是因为词的这些变化既不能改变词不达意的原意,又不能改变词类.

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5. stem:subject to enough merchandise; 受充足货品的限制

6. stem:scanning tunnel electron microscopy; 扫描隧道电子显微术

7. stem:scanning transmission electron microscopy; 扫描透射电子显微镜

8. stem:scanning transmission electron microscope; 扫描传输电子显微镜

stem 词典解释

1. 起源于;来自;由…造成
    If a condition or problem stems from something, it was caused originally by that thing.


    e.g. All my problems stem from drink...
    e.g. Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.

2. 阻止;遏制;制止
    If you stem something, you stop it spreading, increasing, or continuing.


    e.g. Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants...
           奥地利已派出 3 个营的兵力去本国和匈牙利交界的边境地区阻止非法移民的流入。
    e.g. The authorities seem powerless to stem the rising tide of violence...

3. (植物的)秆,茎,梗
    The stem of a plant is the thin, upright part on which the flowers and leaves grow.


    e.g. He stooped down, cut the stem for her with his knife and handed her the flower.

4. (酒杯的)颈,柄脚
    The stem of a wine glass is the long thin part which connects the bowl to the base.


5. (烟斗)柄
    The stem of a pipe is the long thin part through which smoke is sucked.

    e.g. He chewed the stem of his pipe and eyed her sceptically.

6. (语法中的)词干
    In grammar, the stem of a word is the main part of it, which does not change when the ending changes.

7. 从船首到船尾
    If something happens from stem to stern on a boat, it involves the whole of the boat.


    e.g. A South African television report said the ship was ablaze from stem to stern.

stem 单语例句


1. Evans offered the means for achieving this by isolating embryonic stem cells in mice, which give rise to all the cells in the body.

2. There is emerging evidence that cancer tumors are started and sustained by a small group of cancer cells - cancer stem cells.

3. But some studies have shown that residual stem cells that fail to differentiate can turn cancerous later on.

4. Sometimes sex problems stem from an unhealthy obsession with an unfairly intoxicating ex who seemed to steal our libido along with that favorite CD.

5. Jiangsu Leading Material Science stem cell regeneration engineering company was approved into the National 863 Plan.

6. Qu put his name on the list of potential hematopoietic stem cell donors in 2004.

7. Each egg had its nucleus replaced by a whole human embryonic stem cell from a batch held at the UK stem cell bank.

8. Stem cells can divide and differentiate into different types of cells in the body.

9. Stem cells are master cells in the body that can transform themselves into other cell types.

10. Stem cell technology uses master cells in the body to create new cells.

stem 英英释义



1. a turn made in skiing
    the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it

    Synonym: stem turn

2. front part of a vessel or aircraft

    e.g. he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line

    Synonym: bowforeprow

3. cylinder forming a long narrow part of something

    Synonym: shank

4. the tube of a tobacco pipe

5. (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed

    e.g. thematic vowels are part of the stem

    Synonym: rootroot wordbasethemeradical

6. a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ

    Synonym: stalk


1. remove the stem from

    e.g. for automatic natural language processing, the words must be stemmed

2. stop the flow of a liquid

    e.g. staunch the blood flow
           stem the tide

    Synonym: stanchstaunchhalt

3. grow out of, have roots in, originate in

    e.g. The increase in the national debt stems from the last war

4. cause to point inward

    e.g. stem your skis

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