
Chan master是什么意思 Chan master在线翻译 Chan master什么意思 Chan master的意思 Chan master的翻译 Chan master的解释 Chan master的发音

Chan master

Chan master 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. On that base, the realization of the goal of the HEZESHENHUI's north trip and 15-year-long national Buddhist master seat of NANYANGHUIZHONG strengthened the classical status of the South Chan, and also swept the way for the preaching of Hongzhou Chan.

2. Attorneys said a 2006 will written by Wang, who died this month from cancer aged 69, had left the entire legacy to feng shui master Chan Chun-chuen — a figure other feng shui masters in this Chinese city said they'd never heard of.

3. Police with the leaders do not in control, and then Jiugen Chan master said that if there is any harm Oumen out, he was to pay the legal responsibility.

4. Chan master的近义词

4. Master Chan Wai in Poly U was the students of master Chow Tze Chuen whom was the student of grandmaster Yip Man.

5. The apprentice Aki-chan using a girls sized square fry pan vs Master Hisamaru-san, part time pro wrestler, with a frypan 50% larger and heavier, both competing to please the customers taste buds.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. Grand master Wei Chueh found his Pure Mind and with it, manifested the most beautiful place on earth, the Chung Tai Chan Monastery.

7. Chan master

7. In a harshly worded 326-page judgment, Justice Johnson Lam yesterday accepted the two had been lovers but categorically rejected Mr Chan's claims to Wang's estate: The relationship between and Nina started off as a relationship of feng shui master and client on a commercial basis...

8. Chan Kwok-kwan in the play an arrogant young man from the young to master the process of growth of the full deduction; Bruce Lee from a regular fighting in the streets of the young man to master in the leaves alone to subglottic Gakugei came with a hundred dollars on foreign soil; for life, he received garbage, working in restaurants, and then sent to fast food, delivering newspapers, he experienced the hardships of ordinary people should not experience.

9. Angel Chan obtained her bachelor degree in English from Beijing University of Foreign Languages and studied master course at American Sheng-te Christian College.
    陈挚谊 AngelChan北京外国语大学英语学士、香港亚洲音乐学院音乐教育研究生毕业李阳疯狂英语少儿英语演艺部总监、中国第一代英语教练、中国首位企业家私人英语教练英语歌曲创作人、翻译家《中国音乐家辞典》入典音乐家。

10. Chan Master Congshen of Zaozhou in the Tang dynasty liked to use tea to describe Chan.

11. Chan master

11. If Wong Kar-Wai is the lyrical bard of 90s Hong Kong cinema, then Fruit Chan Gor is that same period's master of realism. Traces of Italian neo-realism are clearly visible in Fruit Chan's films.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

12. A lot of high-qualified videos have been introduced such as Chihi Maruko Chan and Cooking Master Boy.

13. Master Chan Wai Hon, who teaches in CUHK, was the student of grandmaster Yip Man. He gets much respect from the Ving Tsun lovers among the universities.

14. Chan master

14. 3Togo, Linghu Chong are Jueding master, is the day to hear first-class masters (over 3togo, Zuoleng Chan's semi-chips, and so slightly, but should be great, will be idle and not practice evil spirits of the mountain not Jianpu Kwan, who on), is Shangguan Yun-class masters.

15. When it comes to loss of working time, in the 110, we wanted to leave it alone and say that in order to waste our time and money, we leave the phone with the address of the police, his attitude was bad because of Chan master, and so is handled well, we have will naturally be to cover the cost of these 17 dollars, now, do not delay each other's time, otherwise the result of loss of working time fee, Chen master to be responsible.

16. The irony is that when Prof Chan was head of the finance department at HKUST he was instrumental in establishing one of its highest-profile joint programmes & the master of science in global finance, taught jointly with NYU Stern.

17. I greatly appreciate that Venerable Master Lien Chan of Five Eyes Association has contributed a lot to the initial stages of preparation of this conference.

18. Chan master

18. The author, Venerable Jing Hui is a Chan Master and a vice–president of the Buddhist Association of China.

Chan master 单语例句

1. The university's dean of law Johannes Chan expected a 20 percent increase in applicants for its master and juris doctor programs.

2. Judge Lam said he has no doubt that given Tony Chan's reputation and experience, he clearly was a feng shui master of some repute.

3. He said he agreed with his two sisters'comment that Chan was a parasite who would just humor the master.

4. But Fung Shui master Tony Chan's lawyer Jonathan Midgley expected it would start by the end of next year.

5. Jackie Chan is a master of tickling audiences'funny bones while breaking bad guys'collarbones.

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