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Crazy on the Outside

Crazy on the Outside 双语例句

1. More than seven months pregnant, and now sit in bed every night when the baby will be able to feel in the stomach, the baby sitting up on that just under the stomach, it is very difficult by not敢乱move for fear of injury to the baby, even worse is that after every meal撑得baby stomach is full, in fact, how many things I have not eaten, the food intake by more than a half ago, and light weight than several jin, is afraid of sitting in the stomach to eat more hard for me to want to go outside after each meal a good walk, digest digest, but a bit hot outside, the house has only me and mother-in-law to live, I go out, she is a person, but also her fear of cold, but out of a person she seems to be a bit worried, so she was worried that there would be bored at home and her day watching television, and only go out only at night, walk around the square, so that life will have lasted nearly three months, I really feel the need to go crazy, first of all, the body was not comfortable; Second, psychologically, to live with the mother-in-law, a lot of things are not as good as their words亲妈, especially twisting, if not more than a day; sometimes true I worry about this situation is allowed to be a depression, will also affect my unborn baby, I keep telling them if her husband working in the field say, but in fact there is no way he is also only let me go home, if I He said too much, afraid to increase the pressure on him, but I want to change the status quo and good, and sisters, Please give your suggestions, thank you!

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Outside the sword the biography receives north the setose thistle at the beginning of Wen Tilei the full upper and lower garments actually to look that suddenly the wife worried what, in flaps the poetry book happy desire crazy daytime to sing in a loud voice must drink to excess the youth to act as companion returns home namely puts on the Wu Gorge then under Xiangyang from the Palestinian canyon to Luoyang
    剑之外的即从巴峡穿巫峡便下襄阳向洛阳传记在Wen Tilei初实际上接受北部setose蓟充分的上部和更低的服装看起来妻子突然让什麼担心,在挡水板唱歌的诗书愉快的欲望疯狂的白天由大声的声音必须喝到剩余作为的青年时期家庭伴侣回归即投入吴峡谷然后在从巴勒斯坦峡谷的Xiangyang之下到洛阳

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