
Fragrance Hill是什么意思 Fragrance Hill在线翻译 Fragrance Hill什么意思 Fragrance Hill的意思 Fragrance Hill的翻译 Fragrance Hill的解释

Fragrance Hill

Fragrance Hill 双语例句

1. After the founding of New China, there are very few private investment villa building, but the late 1980s, many city rich in Fragrance Hill feet of farmers to purchase houses, rehabilitation or alteration of the original concept, but seldom real estate development villas.

2. According to legend, the king and Xi Shi often took a beautifully decked- out boat and sailed down the canal to enjoy the beautiful flowers on Fragrance Hill and the blooming lotus on Tai Lake

3. Fragrance Hill Red Camp is located in the Langhao Groove, Fragrance Hill, which has been built into different battlefields according to the specific terrain.

4. Politics of the time, he went to Qin's Hill to play along song video all over the floor, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, very beautiful scenery.

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5. Chonglicui yun shan Hill Mountain Resort, even Ling Ling, dense forests, lush, forest covered 80% of the forest, clean air, wild-fang delicate fragrance, birds contend, spring ding dong; bracken, mushrooms covered with slopes of the mountain rabbit, squirrel jumping bushes were of a good time, since the music will make you happy.

6. In the new round of residential development across the landscape, the Fragrance Hill ridge north because of tree plantations, large tracts of dense forests and wetlands in Beijing are attracting a lot of enterprises.

7. Huang hidden valley national forest park of forest, and deciduous broad-leaf trees with warm forest landscape have prominent characteristics: an ancient towering CangGu, torso, swarms sectors-connecting, a maze, green Gen as cover form beauty. A: spring, summer, lush carpet leaves in autumn and winter ripe red fruits are the season silver element tonal beauty. Three: the wind, the sea birds LinTaoRu sound, hill spring morning mist, there are, the sunset cloud has beauty; dynamic Four: full-bodied fragrance, relaxed, and fresh tempting induction beauty.

8. Scenic Spots: Yuanmingyuan, the Summer Palace, Botanic Garden, the Fragrance Hill, Zoo, Beijing Aquarium, etc.

9. Fragrance Hill Road South, 88 in the Xiangshanyishu indeed from the hill near and Surrounded by mountains, the Crest efforts cliff, flowers and trees everywhere, landscape.

10. We encourage him to learn, he let us treasuring time, and personal and said that he greatly regarded in the study of time, the Fragrance Hill has not even been away from home recently.

11. Before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running.

12. It will be an exciting experience to climb Fragrance Hill this time of year.

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13. It`ll be an exciting experience to climb Fragrance Hill this time of year.

14. In the autumn, Beijing's Fragrance Hill is covered with red autumn leaves.

15. Such large real estate development, will destroy the natural scenery and Fragrance Hill area existing original quiet?

16. Fragrance Hill的近义词

16. One day, the Maple Leaf in Fragrance Hill between niece told her high school classmates: He would love to be.

Fragrance Hill 单语例句

1. The 2007 Polish Hill Riesling has an incredible fragrance and fruit purity, with just a touch of acidity.

Fragrance Hill是什么意思,Fragrance Hill在线翻译,Fragrance Hill什么意思,Fragrance Hill的意思,Fragrance Hill的翻译,Fragrance Hill的解释,Fragrance Hill的发音,Fragrance Hill的同义词,Fragrance Hill的反义词,Fragrance Hill的例句,Fragrance Hill的相关词组,Fragrance Hill意思是什么,Fragrance Hill怎么翻译,单词Fragrance Hill是什么意思
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