
IC是什么意思 IC在线翻译 IC什么意思 IC的意思 IC的翻译 IC的解释 IC的发音 IC的同义词 IC的反义词 IC的例句 IC的相关词组 IC意思是什么


IC 基本解释

abbr.interchange 高速公路转换出入口; 集成电路,指令计数器

IC 网络解释

1. 我明白了:水木清华通信技术(commun)版旨在提供通信理论的讨论空间,促进我们对各种通信理论...一个社区(commun)的居民需要经常进行交流,我明白了(ic)为何英语中的交流要用ate结尾,因为人们喜欢边吃饭边聊天.

2. 点火:1993款车都使用电子点火(IC)控制分电器点火系统(DI). 该系统的主要部分就是分电器总成,它包括:上盖、转子、点火模块、带有内齿的极铁以及藕合线圈. 汽车采用一个外置式点火线圈. 点火正时的变化是由动力控制模块(PCM)进行电控的.

3. 厌氧内循环反应器:二节 厌氧处理的影响因素 第三节 普通厌氧消化池 第四节 厌氧接触工艺 第五节 厌氧生物滤器(AF) 第六节 上流式厌氧污泥床反应应器(UASB) 第七节 膨胀颗粒污泥床反应器(CGSB) 第八节 厌氧内循环反应器(IC) 第九节 厌氧复合

4. ic:interlligence control; 智能控制

5. ic:internally circulating; 内循环

6. IC的翻译

6. ic:intergrated circuits; 集成电路

7. ic:intelligent capital; 智力资本

IC 单语例句

1. Soon you will be able to buy this newspaper with an IC card and then start your car with it in the mainland.

2. The electric door guard operates under an IC card system, with students using IC cards to enter.

3. Some complained that having to take their IC card everywhere is inconvenient, adding that the system is not always reliable.

4. Relative to the notable slowdown in the growth of the packaging and testing industry, the IC design and chip making industries continued to maintain stable growth.

5. Document 4 again clarifies that software and IC industries are national strategic emerging industries, and constitute an essential basis for the national economy and the social IT construction.

6. The minimum depreciation period for production equipment of IC manufacturers is three years.

7. China Telecom has agreed to give consumers IC telephone cards equal to the value of their old magnetic cards.

8. The Shanghai Semiconductor Industry Association estimates that IC businesses in Shanghai will earn more than half of the total revenue for the sector in China.

9. Mobile phones are functional in the main scenic spots inside the valley and at the entrance to the valley there are several IC card phones.

10. Suzhou in Jiangsu Province will host the IC China 2008 event in September, promoting the world's most advanced integrated circuit technologies and equipment.

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