
Lithuanian是什么意思 Lithuanian在线翻译 Lithuanian什么意思 Lithuanian的意思 Lithuanian的翻译 Lithuanian的解释 Lithuanian的发音 Lithuanian的同义词

Lithuanian [ˌlɪθjʊ'eɪnɪən]  [ˌlɪθʊ'eɪnɪrn] 


Lithuanian 基本解释




Lithuanian 网络解释

1. (立陶宛):Klaipeda酒店是立陶宛(Lithuanian)海岸最大的酒店,位于克莱佩达(Klaipeda)市中心,距海滩和波罗的海(Baltic Sea)1公里,驱车5分钟可到达轮渡码头. 距帕兰加机场(Palanga airport)25公里. 酒店高12层,克莱佩达(Klaipeda)地平线尽收眼底,

2. 立陶宛语:我在Adobe Acrobat里面试了下,在OCR的时候选择立陶宛语(Lithuanian)就能正确识别和ū.OCR出来的其他字母和英文字母完全一样,也不影响OCR准确率.为了试验,故意选了和ū较多的图片,所有的和ū都不需要手工改,省了时间也避免了手改出错的机会.

3. 立陶宛人:立陶宛人(Lithuanian)则用Alus意为啤酒,来比喻自己心爱的人、爱国爱家的立陶宛人,在谈情说爱时也不忘提及自己国家的特产--啤酒,不知是真的对啤酒的迷恋可以与爱的人相提并论,这是呼唤爱人时就会想起自己最爱的饮品呢?

Lithuanian 词典解释

1. 立陶宛的;立陶宛人的;立陶宛语(或文化)的
    Lithuanian means belonging or relating to Lithuania, or to its people, language, or culture.


    e.g. ...the Lithuanian parliament.

2. 立陶宛人
    A Lithuanian is a Lithuanian citizen, or a person of Lithuanian origin.

3. 立陶宛语
    Lithuanian is the language spoken by people who live in Lithuania.

Lithuanian 单语例句

1. For their most recent project with tenor, the quartet arranged Italian and Lithuanian songs in a catchy and heartwarming programme.

2. A citizenship commission recommended Douglas be nationalized on merit for her contributions to Lithuanian basketball, but the president ruled against it.

3. China's Yao Ming was limping slightly and clearly flustered after enduring a game full of Lithuanian double and triple teams.

4. The move was approved by the Lithuanian authorities in accordance with an open skies treaty.

5. Six months ago Moscow put down an uprising in Lithuania, and just yesterday six Lithuanian border guards were killed in suspicious circumstances.

6. Only a veto by basketball's governing body stopped companies engaging foreign outfits such as the Lithuanian national squad.

7. European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana was due to join the Polish and Lithuanian presidents and a Russian envoy for mediation efforts later Monday.

8. The Brazilian authorities made the necessary arrangements and got an autorization to let Lithuanian team to enter Brazil.

9. Lithuanian businesses have become familiar with the Chinese market through exchange visits, and are finding it is different to what they thought.

10. A pair of Lithuanian soldiers serving with the Danish force fired at the stadium, but no injuries were reported.

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