
Matthew是什么意思 Matthew在线翻译 Matthew什么意思 Matthew的意思 Matthew的翻译 Matthew的解释 Matthew的发音 Matthew的同义词 Matthew的反义词


Matthew 基本解释


名词马修(男子名), 含义是“上帝的礼物”(gift of God) ,昵称Mat,Matty

Matthew 网络解释

1. 马太福音:这是一句极具宗教色彩的谚语,出自<<新约 马太福音>>(Matthew)第二十六章第四十一节. spirit 指灵魂、心灵;flesh 指肉体、欲望. 意为人有许多好的意图,但由于个人的能力、财力、智力等方面的局限使其无法实现. 本句两部分都可以单独使用,

2. 马太:这段话出自圣经新约, 马太(Matthew)在布道山(Sermon on the Mount)上面的赐福. 这句话意味着放弃那些世俗权力将受到奖励而得到天国王朝(Kingdom of heaven) .Driveshaft这个乐队看起来像是影射英国的绿洲乐队(Oasis).

3. 高钧贤:香港先生高鈞賢(Matthew)近日忙於拍攝劇集<<公主嫁到>>,劇中飾演駙馬的他表示在入行後第一次拍喜劇,他說:「其實好開心可以參與今次拍攝,我覺得個角色好有趣,成日要好驚老婆,怕佢嬲,仲可以做好多我平時少做嘅古怪表情,係一個大突破.

Matthew 单语例句


1. Lost stars Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly have both said that they are quitting television acting after the show wraps its current and final season.

2. Matthew's Parish School, where a spokesman declined to divulge any information.

3. " I'm more proud of her than if I were to do it myself, " Matthew said.

4. Matthew feels like a " shepherd " and a " king " now he is a parent and says it is a responsibility he has always dreamed of having.

5. Leading international law firm Simmons & Simmons has appointed Matthew Durham as a consultant to its Shanghai office.

6. The actress was seen gazing into Matthew Rhys'eyes at the Edinburgh premiere of their film'The Edge of Love'.

7. Nor did lukewarm notices split " The Odd Couple " teaming of Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick, which sold out before it even opened.

8. British pair Paul Green and Matthew Harrison suffered thorax and spine injuries during the rally's first stage when their car overturned in another bad accident.

9. It wasn't until 1799 that Matthew Flinders explored parts of Hervey Bay and discovered Cook's mistake.

10. To Christians he is infamous for ordering the Massacre of the Innocents, described in the Gospel of Matthew.

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