
Olympic Games是什么意思 Olympic Games在线翻译 Olympic Games什么意思 Olympic Games的意思 Olympic Games的翻译 Olympic Games的解释 Olympic Games的发音

Olympic Games

Olympic Games 基本解释



Olympic Games 网络解释

1. 奥运会:通货紧缩风险要取决于其他政府的行动、石油需求状况以及英国政府所采取的货币及财政措施. 他还表示,中国经济的发展状况也将对英国经济走势产生一定影响. 他指出,奥运会(Olympic Games)结束后,多数大宗商品价格都有所下滑,中国经济也已开始出现放缓.

2. 奥林匹克运动会:奥林匹克运动会 (Olympic Games) 简介国际奥林匹克委员会领导的国际社会运动. 以奥林匹克主义为指导思想,以体育运动奥运会为主要活动内容,目的在于促进人的全面发展和沟通,使各国人民之间能相互了解,让奥林匹克主义普及全世界,维护世界和平.

3. Olympic Games的反义词

3. 奥林匹克:游戏很好,奥林匹克(Olympic Games)运动会的直译本来就应该是奥林匹克游戏. 正是在游戏中人们会多一点好心情,多一点善意,多一点规则,多一点拿得起放得下,多一点胸襟和风度,从容和自信.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 奥林匹克世界运动会(简称奥运会):Olympic adj.奥林匹克世界运动会动 | Olympic Games 奥林匹克世界运动会(简称奥运会) | once adv.一旦

Olympic Games 词典解释

1. 奥林匹克运动会;奥运会
    The Olympic Games are a set of international sports competitions which take place every four years, each time in a different country.

Olympic Games是什么意思

    e.g. At the 1968 Olympic Games she had won gold medals in races at 200, 400, and 800m.

Olympic Games 单语例句

Olympic Games的意思

1. Investors are buying up or renting apartments near Beijing's Olympic village to set up budget family hotels in time for next year's Games.

2. Because the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games are art shows by nature, we of course must have our own characteristics and distinguishing features.

3. The first concept to be reshaped by hosting the Olympic Games is perhaps the definition of a " modern metropolis ".

4. The amount of support among Chinese companies for the Beijing Olympic Games has taken top marketing officials by surprise.

5. The past year has been a hectic period filled with FIFA World Cup qualifying action, the Olympic games and the Asian Cup.

6. The action came hours after Chicago Olympic planners reached a tentative agreement over benefits to local communities from massive construction projects launched for the Games.

7. The four Grand Slams of tennis dominate the sport's annual calendar however, every fourth year the increasingly important Olympic Games tournament rolls around.

8. Canoe Slalom made its debut at the Munich 1972 Olympic Games, but didn't become a permanent part of the Olympic programme until Barcelona 1992.

9. " Next year's Olympic Games will give a further boost to China's sports industry, " says Canto.

10. With the Olympic Games now less than a year away, authorities in the capital have invested heavily in the the city's metro system.

Olympic Games
Olympic Games是什么意思,Olympic Games在线翻译,Olympic Games什么意思,Olympic Games的意思,Olympic Games的翻译,Olympic Games的解释,Olympic Games的发音,Olympic Games的同义词,Olympic Games的反义词,Olympic Games的例句,Olympic Games的相关词组,Olympic Games意思是什么,Olympic Games怎么翻译,单词Olympic Games是什么意思
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