
smoke是什么意思 smoke在线翻译 smoke什么意思 smoke的意思 smoke的翻译 smoke的解释 smoke的发音 smoke的同义词 smoke的反义词 smoke的例句

smoke [sməʊk]  [smoʊk] 


smoke 基本解释

名词烟; 吸烟

不及物动词抽烟; 冒烟; 快速

及物动词用烟熏制; 吸(烟),抽

smoke 相关词组

1. like smoke : 一溜烟地, 顺当地, 容易地;

2. go up in smoke : 被烧光, 化为乌有;

smoke 相关例句


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1. She has learned to smoke fish and ham.

2. They smoked her and drove her away.


1. A chimney could be seen smoking in the distance.

2. Their swords smoked with blood.


1. She cannot stand the smell of tobacco smoke.

smoke 情景对话

A Heavy Smoker-(瘾君子)


A:You really should stop smoking, you know.


B:I know. I know. I don’t smoke too much, though.


A:How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

B:About a pack, more if I drink.

A:Wow. You’re really a heavy smoker.


B:No, I’m not. My father smoked two packs a day for forty years.


A:He died of lung cancer, right?

B:Yeah…you’re right. I really should stop smoking.

smoke 网络解释

1. 吸烟:5.检索有关肺癌(lung cancer)与吸烟(smoke)关系的文章. 6.主题检索:检索有关维生素C(vitamin c)的治疗应用(therapeutic use )方面的文章10.检索1995年以后发表的有关高血压(hypertension)的综述性文章.

2. 烟(尘):化学物质在作业环境中以许多的型态存在,可能为气体(gas)、蒸气(Vapor)、熏烟(fume)、粉尘(dust)、雾(fog)、雾滴(mist)、烟尘(smoke)、烟雾(smog)、纤维(fiber)等.

smoke 词典解释

    Smoke consists of gas and small bits of solid material that are sent into the air when something burns.

    e.g. A cloud of black smoke blew over the city...
    e.g. The air was thick with cigarette smoke.

2. 冒烟
    If something is smoking, smoke is coming from it.

    e.g. The chimney was smoking fiercely.
    e.g. ...a pile of smoking rubble.

3. 吸(烟);抽(烟)
    When someone smokes a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they suck the smoke from it into their mouth and blow it out again. If you smoke, you regularly smoke cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe.


    e.g. He was sitting alone, smoking a big cigar...
    e.g. It's not easy to quit smoking cigarettes...

He was not a heavy smoker.

4. 熏制(鱼、肉等)
    If fish or meat is smoked, it is hung over burning wood so that the smoke preserves it and gives it a special flavour.


    e.g. ...the grid where the fish were being smoked.
    e.g. ...smoked bacon.

5. see also: smoked;smoking

6. 无风不起浪
    If someone says there's no smoke without fire or where there's smoke there's fire, they mean that there are rumours or signs that something is true so it must be at least partly true.


7. 被焚毁;被烧掉;被付之一炬
    If something goes up in smoke, it is destroyed by fire.


    e.g. More than 900 years of British history went up in smoke in the Great Fire of Windsor.
           900 多年的英国历史在温莎城堡的一场大火中灰飞烟灭。

8. 以失败告终;一事无成
    If something that is very important to you goes up in smoke, it fails or ends without anything being achieved.

    e.g. Their dreams went up in smoke after the collapse of their travel agency.

相关词组:smoke out

smoke 单语例句

1. But a student surnamed Jiang from the University of International Business and Economics said people would continue to smoke regardless of the law.

2. According to another survey by the Beijing municipal health authority, 51 percent of respondents said they were victims of secondhand smoke.

3. DNA repair in the breast cells appears to be blocked when chemical components of the smoke activate a particular gene.

4. A new law that took effect Monday says family members can call in the police on people who smoke at home.

5. While the more religious individuals were more physically active and also less likely to smoke, these differences didn't account for their better lung function.

6. NEW YORK - Cigarette smoke can transform normal breast cells into cancerous cells by blocking their normal ability to repair themselves.

7. The Gainesville research also pinpoints the mechanism by which cigarette smoke transforms normal breast cells into cancerous cells.

8. Langton said officials felt comfortable withdrawing the proposal because of improved sensors that can detect smoke and carbon monoxide.

9. The injured suffered from smoke inhalation, burns and carbon monoxide poisoning.

10. Smoke fumes contain multiple carcinogens that could cause lung and cardiac diseases.


smoke 英英释义


1. (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity

    e.g. he swung late on the fastball
           he showed batters nothing but smoke

    Synonym: fastballheaterhummerbullet

2. the act of smoking tobacco or other substances

    e.g. he went outside for a smoke
           smoking stinks

    Synonym: smoking

3. street names for marijuana

    Synonym: potgrassgreen goddessdopeweedgagesesssensskunklocoweedMary Jane

4. tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder

    Synonym: roll of tobacco

5. something with no concrete substance

    e.g. his dreams all turned to smoke
           it was just smoke and mirrors

6. an indication of some hidden activity

    e.g. with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere

7. a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas

    Synonym: fume

8. a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion

    e.g. the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles

    Synonym: smoking



1. inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes

    e.g. We never smoked marijuana
           Do you smoke?

2. emit a cloud of fine particles

    e.g. The chimney was fuming

    Synonym: fume

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