
suspension是什么意思 suspension在线翻译 suspension什么意思 suspension的意思 suspension的翻译 suspension的解释 suspension的发音 suspension的同义词

suspension [səˈspenʃn]  [səˈspɛnʃən] 


suspension 基本解释

名词悬浮; 悬架; 悬浮液; 暂停

suspension 相关例句


1. I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment.

suspension 网络解释

1. 悬架:保持车身和车轮之间正确的运动关系,保证汽车的行驶平顺性和操纵稳定性 减震器属于悬架系统中的以部分现在广泛采用液力减震器作用是为了加速振动的衰减,改善汽车行驶的平顺性,汽车悬架系统都装有减震器 悬架(suspension)减震器的英语我也每学过,

2. 暂停:因此许多灵魂迷失,意味著他们已经困在暂停(Suspension)的维度中. 他们无法如在他们的以前的维度与频域里行动. 如果他们已陷入这困境,他们将错过符合他们较高意识的4 维度与更上面维度,他们只能通过在地球上重组DNA,然后再回到Tara.

suspension 词典解释

1. 暂停;延缓
    The suspension of something is the act of delaying or stopping it for a while or until a decision is made about it.

    e.g. A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester...
    e.g. Art experts have appealed for the suspension of plans to restore one of Leonardo da Vinci's most celebrated paintings.

2. 停职;暂时除名
    Someone's suspension is their removal from a job or position for a period of time or until a decision is made about them.

    e.g. The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension...
    e.g. The athlete received a two-year suspension following a positive drug test.

3. (车辆的)悬架,减震装置
    A vehicle's suspension consists of the springs and other devices attached to the wheels, which give a smooth ride over uneven ground.

suspension 单语例句

1. Butler's contract was terminated following his suspension for six months for claiming that two players brought female guests to their hotel rooms after a curfew.

2. The players had left the Kings'practice facility by the time the suspension was announced.

3. It is expected that a breach of the rules may lead to disciplinary action or the possible suspension of clergy.

4. The cable car system resumed operations on December 31, after nearly six months of suspension.

5. Having missed Germany's 2002 World Cup final defeat by Brazil through suspension, he damaged his right calf last Friday during Germany's final training session.

6. The United States has called for the indefinite suspension if not an outright scrapping of Iran's domestic enrichment program.

7. The row has led to a suspension of some roasted seed and nut supplies at Carrefour's outlets nationwide.

8. Abdullah's conditions also include the suspension of several ministers and for more safeguards around the actual vote.

9. According to Zhao, the training suspension is just an interim castigation.

10. The Catania tragedy in February led to a suspension of Italian football, with numerous stadia forced to make improvements to ensure improved security.


suspension 英英释义


1. a temporary debarment (from a privilege or position etc)

    Synonym: temporary removal

2. the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely)

    e.g. there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait

    Synonym: danglinghanging

3. a mechanical system of springs or shock absorbers connecting the wheels and axles to the chassis of a wheeled vehicle

    Synonym: suspension system

4. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

    Synonym: respitereprievehiatusabatement

5. temporary cessation or suspension

    Synonym: abeyance

6. a mixture in which fine particles are suspended in a fluid where they are supported by buoyancy

7. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something

    Synonym: pauseintermissionbreakinterruption

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