
Windows tutorial是什么意思 Windows tutorial在线翻译 Windows tutorial什么意思 Windows tutorial的意思 Windows tutorial的翻译 Windows tutorial的解释

Windows tutorial [ˈwindəuz tu:ˈtɔ:ri:əl]  [ˈwɪndoz tuˈtɔriəl] 

Windows tutorial 基本解释

名词Windows 教程

Windows tutorial

Windows tutorial 网络解释

1. 教程:conjunction 连词 | Windows tutorial 教程 | fill in the blanks 填空

Windows tutorial 双语例句

1. This tutorial will show you how to install and setup Pocket Nester Plus, a NES emulator for your Windows Mobile Smartphone.
    本教程将告诉您如何安装和设置口袋内斯特另外,一NES模拟器为您的Windows Mobile智能手机。

2. This tutorial will explain the System Restore feature of Windows XP, and how to use it.
    本教程将解释系统还原功能的Windows XP ,以及如何使用它。

3. Teaching Materials: International marketing windows tutorial, ZhangJingzhi, University of International Business and Economics Press, 2003
    教 材:张景智《国际营销学教程》对外经济贸易大学出版社,2003年

4. I hope you liked my first tutorial, and I`m looking forward to make another one soon!Have fun!
    下一篇:不要随意重装你的Windows操作系统-软件资讯-天空软件站- Windows 。。。

5. This brief tutorial will guide you in turning off some of the unnecessary features in Windows Vista.
    这份简短的教程将引导关闭的不必要的功能在Windows Vista中。

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Our program has a special powerful Internet section and a Windows tutorial module.

7. The bitmaps I'll refer to in this tutorial are Windows bitmap graphics files.

8. To make pen training easier, Windows Vista includes a tutorial that presents the essentials of using a tablet pen to perform these shortcuts.
    为了使训练更容易笔,Windows Vista包含一个教程,它介绍了使用手写笔来执行这些快捷方式的基本要素。

9. Windows tutorial的反义词

9. If you`re one of the Windows Vista users who still don`t know how to set a video clip as a DreamScene animated background wallpaper on the desktop, the following tutorial guide is for you.
    如果您是其中之一的Windows Vista用户谁还不知道如何设置视频剪辑作为一个dreamscene动画背景墙纸在桌面上,以下补习指南是为你。

10. This tutorial will guide you in setting up Synergy in Windows..
    本教程将引导您在成立的协同作用在Windows 。。

11. The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

12. This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system, preferably XP or later.

13. Enter the login account and password for the NS tutorial windows service.

14. This tutorial explains how to add a menu item that runs a Windows application or that runs a script to the Tools menu or Help menu in Internet Explorer.

15. Whether you do or not, that folder will be your local Windows source for the rest of this tutorial.

16. To run the examples in this tutorial, the minimum platform requirements are a computer running Windows XP on which you've installed the AIDE software and Axis, Tomcat V5, and Java SE V5.0.

17. A later tutorial in this series will describe in detail the process of building Windows applications and Web sites using IBM tools.

18. Many of the exploits throughout this tutorial are Windows specific, but they can be adapted for other operating systems.

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