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a dumb person

a dumb person 双语例句

1. a dumb person

1. And it`s a dumb person who`s convinced he is wise.

2. a dumb person在线翻译

2. Do not become a dumb person in network transmission, want to protect our traditional culture!

3. This dumb person is a very kind-hearted person.

4. For the blind, the hope is that one day could see the rising sun, can indeed see the clear blue sky, could see the magnificent colorful rainbow, can see the magnificent sea...... for the deaf, the hope is that one day hear the beautiful pleasant voice, can hear the sound of reading aloud the sound of the campus, could hear the whispering sound of spring birds...... for the dumb person, the hope is that one day burst into singing, can speak out loud their feelings...... the hope that in their minds more than a beautiful reverie, so that their lives more a firm faith.

5. Only a dumb person who was jealous of mouth.

6. Every Christian is aware that resurrection is not a dumb person's dream.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. As we look like a blind person talking to a deaf-and-dumb one.

8. Because lecturer Wang always saying it recently, should sublease the apartment with us, and I call him uncle Wang according to the courtesy, focal point even if I want classics of watching, I extraordinary fearness household noisy, household noisy I nothing hear right away, so I must depend on Triratna, because the uncle Wang he become a Buddhist at all, what he believes is the Triratna that is always said, explain Buddha dharma to him, he will talk about the similar law that they always said, so really make me too bitter to say, certainly I know this it is hindered that is my family property, if miss obstacle, must learn to give up, that is to say that gives up one`s own moral integrity, certainly perhaps a lot of people can not understand, in fact very simple, a reason for my meaning, what the string is fastenned is too tight, very apt to lose brokenly, the ones that fastenned are too too loose to spring the sound, so adjust just now very all right, what I say certainly it gives up to be Buddha Bodhisattva in the degrees of all living creature, can give up heads with the brain, certainly if you meet the greedy person, or ignorant person, the left eye of your charity, he wants the right eye, you are two holes of charity, even if he throws your eyes to the ground to step on rottenly, it is so discredited that will blurt out and scold and say, so say that you know, cross all living creature`s thing, it is not really what common people can do in this, so I must have pieces of view think meet as me wholehearted to ask people of law, I willing charity everything certainly, but if the other side does not ask the law wholeheartedly, certainly the charity that I can not be silly and silly, I must do the view with reason, it is all right that I act dumb with him, that is to say that he acts dumb with me in meaning, I certainly can regard oneself as noble-minded and unwilling to swim with the tide too, Buddha Bodhisattva is it cross some three evil all living creature of dish to want sometimes, must put down the figure, go to put into animal`s body, then go to follow the statement of one of three evil, the focal point is that I am not so great, I do the part of Theravada well first, or finish humanity first, ten is it do five exhortation well to good at first, three Ban 5 exhortation make and discuss well that Bodhisattva has feet to give up to give up, three Ban five exhortation finish anyway, you is it defend the doctrine god defend, so I it hopes to be too urgent what oneself force to have, I am only relaxed studies Buddha.

9. a dumb person

9. A dumb person can crack a nut a lot faster than a smart person if the dumb person has a nutcracker and the smart one only has a toothpick.

10. a dumb person的反义词

10. Generally, a person who cannot sing well is not a proper foreign language student, let alone dumb or deaf ones.

11. And it's a dumb person who's convinced he is wise.

a dumb person 单语例句

a dumb person是什么意思

1. The patient could only blame the doctor who changed him from a talkative and knowledgeable artist to a dumb and disabled person.

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