
abrupt是什么意思 abrupt在线翻译 abrupt什么意思 abrupt的意思 abrupt的翻译 abrupt的解释 abrupt的发音 abrupt的同义词 abrupt的反义词 abrupt的例句

abrupt [əˈbrʌpt]  [əˈbrʌpt] 

abrupt 基本解释


形容词陡峭的; 突然的,意外的; 无理的,唐突的; 不连贯的

abrupt 相关例句


1. abrupt

1. She was offended by his abrupt manner.

2. abrupt的翻译

2. Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.

3. abrupt是什么意思

3. She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope.

4. The abrupt change of schedule gave me lots of trouble.

abrupt 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 突然:②形似记忆:火山突然(abrupt)爆发(erupt),打断(interrupt)了道路,破产(bankrupt)了银行. ①联想记忆:她不习惯(accustom)穿当地民族服饰(costume)的风俗(custom)①形似记忆:经常做深呼吸(breath)有利于胸部(breast)健美

2. 突然,陡峭的:abrogate 取消,废止 | abrupt 突然,陡峭的 | abscond 潜逃,逃匿

3. abrupt的翻译

3. 突然的:abrogation 废除 | abrupt 突然的 | abruption 中断

4. 突然的,陡峭的:abound 丰富 | abrupt 突然的,陡峭的 | abstain 戒,避开

abrupt 词典解释

1. 突然的,意外的(常指令人不快的改变或行为)
    An abrupt change or action is very sudden, often in a way which is unpleasant.


    e.g. Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up...
    e.g. The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness...

He stopped abruptly and looked my way.

2. (言语)粗鲁的,唐突的,鲁莽的
    Someone who is abrupt speaks in a rather rude, unfriendly way.

    e.g. He was abrupt to the point of rudeness...
    e.g. Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.

'Good night, then,' she said abruptly.
I think Simon was hurt by your abruptness this afternoon.

abrupt 单语例句

1. The Cambrian Explosion - the apparently abrupt appearance of complex animals in the fossil record in the Cambrian Period troubled Charles Darwin.

2. The abrupt policy shift set the stage for the SDP's long and steady decline, which has continued to this day.

3. The ongoing tightening measures and sluggish demand were the main causes of the abrupt downward adjustment.

4. Human activities " could lead to abrupt or irreversible climate changes and impacts, " the agreed text said.

5. Hampton's contact with the media prompted Ensign's abrupt admission, the senator's office has said.

6. Zidane's abrupt fall from grace mirrored the light and shade of a troubled sporting year.

7. " Fixed asset investment declining too much would increase the possibility of an abrupt economic slowdown, " he said.

8. This frivolous attitude towards love reflects an immature response to abrupt freedom and independence.

9. " The government could increase expenditures to cushion an abrupt slowdown, " said the think tank.

10. When there is a mess in sight, many of us anticipate an abrupt " storm " to clean it up.

abrupt 英英释义


1. surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner

    e.g. an abrupt reply

2. exceedingly sudden and unexpected

    e.g. came to an abrupt stop
           an abrupt change in the weather

3. extremely steep

    e.g. an abrupt canyon
           the precipitous rapids of the upper river
           the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings
           a sharp drop

    Synonym: precipitoussharp

4. marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions

    e.g. abrupt prose

    Synonym: disconnected

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