
abseil是什么意思 abseil在线翻译 abseil什么意思 abseil的意思 abseil的翻译 abseil的解释 abseil的发音 abseil的同义词 abseil的反义词 abseil的例句

abseil [ˈæbseɪl]  [ˈɑpˌzaɪl, -ˌsaɪl, ˈæb-] 


abseil 基本解释

沿绳滑下法;登山者从峭壁处) 绕绳下降;


abseil 网络解释

1. abseil

1. 滑下法:abscondence 逃亡 | abseil 滑下法 | absence of mind 心不在焉

2. (登山运动中的)沿绳滑下法:absconsion || 潜逃 | abseil || (登山运动中的)沿绳滑下法 | absence debtor || 失踪债务人

3. 缘绳下降法:7 abcadabra 咒语 | 8 abseil 缘绳下降法 | 9 acacia 合金欢

4. abseil:ab.; 绕绳下降

abseil 双语例句

1. abseil是什么意思

1. Amongst the most outrages things I have done in adventure races was to abseil 2 rope length (that's almost 200meters) in the middle of the heavy downpour looking over the Kinta Valley, Flying Fox inside Gua Kandu at breakneck speed, river boarding down Sungai Kinta with class 3 rapids and hoping no monitor lizards would come nibbling your toes, caving in total darkness and submerging 90% inside the cave's river system to get to the other side.

2. Do you abseil down to check the line?

3. This time there's no boat involved, instead participants are lowered down on a rope in a controlled abseil.

4. If one is coiling the rope for abseil, the other can be tying knots in the end.

5. Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I do not have to prove a thing.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Now, when I feel the old urge to abseil or explore caves or teeter at a great height I remind myself that I don`t have to prove a thing.

7. If you do find yourself on a route that is too long to lower off, the easiest way is to pull a spare rope up and abseil off.

8. 1Installing of rappel/ abseil anchors should be kept to a minimum.

9. abseil在线翻译

9. Rappel/abseil stations should be installed where descending by foot is likely to cause erosion problems.

10. You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing.

11. When a fixed wire/ sling/ rope/ cord is an essential point of protection then it should be removed and replaced with fixed hanger/ ringbolt/ rappel/ abseil anchors.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. When a fixed wire/sling/rope/cord is an essential point of protection then it should be removed and replaced with fixed hanger/ringbolt/rappel/ abseil anchors.

13. abseil的反义词

13. Belarus soldiers of special troops abseil from a helicopter during exercises in Minsk, 21 June 2007.

14. Semi-static ropes have moderate extension under load to facilitate interventions and abseil decents at moderate speeds.

15. Abseil or climb the Organ Pipe`s craggy dolerite towers.

abseil 单语例句

1. " Thirty people were to be allowed to abseil down that day, " she says.

2. Soldiers abseil from a helicopter yesterday during the military drill in Russia.

abseil 英英释义


1. (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body

    Synonym: rappel



1. lower oneself with a rope coiled around the body from a mountainside

    e.g. The ascent was easy--roping down the mountain would be much more difficult and dangerous
           You have to learn how to abseil when you want to do technical climbing

    Synonym: rappelrope down

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