
accessible是什么意思 accessible在线翻译 accessible什么意思 accessible的意思 accessible的翻译 accessible的解释 accessible的发音 accessible的同义词

accessible [əkˈsesəbl]  [ækˈsɛsəbəl] 

accessible 基本解释

形容词易接近的; 可理解的; 易相处的; 易感的

accessible 同义词


accessible 反义词


accessible 相关例句


1. Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

2. accessible的翻译

2. An open minded person is accessible to reasons.

3. He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. He is not accessible to pity.

5. Those are his most accessible stories.

accessible 网络解释

1. 可存取:新一代集群系统除了具有全局文件存取的功能外,还具有系统内所有的设备都可见(visible)、可存取(accessible)的特性. 系统的i/o子系统的结构使得从集群内的任一节点访问系统的任意设备成为可能,而用户不必要关心设备物理上的连接情况.

2. 可进入的:不管是哪种研究途径,所选择的研究对象必须要:1)和研究问题相吻合,2)和研究方法相匹配,3)是可接近、可进入的(accessible). 详情参看:[[研究对象]]及[[抽样]]. * 相关概念的操作化. 对研究所涉及的概念应当有较为准确和明晰的把握,

3. 访问性:并在这个基础上分别定义了各种类型的服务应该达到的标准,即横向参数,包括: 可访问性(Accessible)、回答问题的速度(PromptTurnaround)、清晰的问题回答规定(ClearResponsePolicy)、交互性(Interactive)、指导性(Instructive)、专业性、

accessible 词典解释

1. 易到达的;易进入的;易够到的
    If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach.

    e.g. The Centre is easily accessible to the general public...
    e.g. The premises are wheelchair accessible...

...the easy accessibility of the area.

2. 易使用的;易得到的
    If something is accessible to people, they can easily use it or obtain it.

    e.g. The legal aid system should be accessible to more people...
    e.g. This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.

...the quality and accessibility of health care.

3. 可以理解的;易懂的
    If you describe a book, painting, or other work of art as accessible, you think it is good because it is simple enough for people to understand and appreciate easily.

    e.g. ...literary books that are accessible to a general audience.
    e.g. ...their reputation for providing exciting and accessible theatre for young people.

Seminar topics are chosen for their accessibility to a general audience.

accessible 单语例句


1. There is no better way for government institutions to prove their worth and credibility than by making their accounts accessible to all.

2. While it usually takes several hours to reach such clubs from the city center, this Pudong layout is easily accessible in 40 minutes by car.

3. Parts of the forest are made accessible by foot with tracks, steps and little bridges built along the paths.

4. Among the current 10 million CDMA subscribers accessible to mobile phone live broadcasts, 4 million are more active than others.

5. I want to carry on his legacy to make golf more accessible and affordable to all.

6. It is also a domestic and international flight hub, making it an easily accessible center for foreign trade delegations.

7. The charismatic leader also made education and healthcare accessible to people in much of the nation's countryside.

8. More straightforward information releases and a more publicly accessible communication process will help the government forge closer ties with citizens.

9. He or she could also give the Commons a more modern face by breaking down some of its mystique and making it more accessible.

10. The draft amendment also introduces a nationwide environmental monitoring network and data system accessible to the public.

accessible 英英释义


1. capable of being reached

    e.g. a town accessible by rail

2. easy to get along with or talk to

    e.g. an accessible and genial man

3. easily obtained

    e.g. most students now have computers accessible
           accessible money

4. capable of being read with comprehension

    e.g. readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader
           the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels

    Synonym: approachable

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