
advocacy是什么意思 advocacy在线翻译 advocacy什么意思 advocacy的意思 advocacy的翻译 advocacy的解释 advocacy的发音 advocacy的同义词

advocacy [ˈædvəkəsi]  [ˈædvəkəsi] 


advocacy 基本解释

名词辩护; 支持; 辩护术; 辩护业

advocacy 相关例句


1. advocacy

1. Some economists strongly advocate the reform of government ownership of industry.

advocacy 网络解释

1. advocacy的反义词

1. 支持:流程管理者的责任可分为三个主要方面:设计、指导(coaching)和支持(advocacy). 顾客需求和技术能力都在变化,相应地流程的改善也是一个动态的过程. 寻找并明确表达安排流程进度、开发产品、平息顾客抱怨的最佳方法;分析外界环境的变化,

2. 辩护:在这份文件提出的原则性框架中,说明了影响审计独立性的五个因素,即自身利益(Self-interest)、自我复核(Self-review)、辩护(Advocacy)、熟悉或信任(Familiarity or Trust)及胁迫(Intimidation).

advocacy 词典解释

1. 拥护;提倡;主张
    Someone's advocacy of a particular action or plan is their act of recommending it publicly.

    e.g. I support your advocacy of free trade.

2. 辩护;辩护术
    Advocacy is the way in which lawyers deal with cases in court.

    e.g. Sir Peter would also like to see the current adversarial system of advocacy examined by the royal commission.

3. (试图影响政府或其他权力机构决策的)游说(团体或组织)
    An advocacy group or organization is one that tries to influence the decisions of a government or other authority.

    e.g. Consumer advocacy groups are not so enthusiastic about removing restrictions on the telephone companies.

advocacy 单语例句

1. But one cannot draw parallels between this renewed emphasis on chastity and some conservative Americans'advocacy of celibacy.

2. Those small amounts of trans fat can add up, said Michael Jacobson of the consumer advocacy Center for Science in the Public Interest.

3. China's adherence to and advocacy of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have won widespread appreciation and respect from the international community.

4. Muslim advocacy group, is in Baghdad to press for Carroll's release.

5. It doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and has funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country.

6. Li describes the plan to rewrite Taiwanese history as the tip of the iceberg of flagrant advocacy of separatism through cultural measures.

7. The commentary also said the DPRK did not want confrontations and tensions and it had expressed several times its advocacy for a peace treaty.

8. The Dalai Lama some times makes undisguised political advocacy while meeting Western politicians though he claimed to be merely a religious figure.

9. There has already been an outcry from US expatriate advocacy groups, claiming the new rules will cause foreign financial institutions to view them as " pariahs ".

10. The criminal charges confirmed the advocacy groups'worst suspicions and have called into question all the sentences he pronounced.


advocacy 英英释义


1. active support of an idea or cause etc.
    especially the act of pleading or arguing for something

    Synonym: protagonism

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