
affirmative是什么意思 affirmative在线翻译 affirmative什么意思 affirmative的意思 affirmative的翻译 affirmative的解释 affirmative的发音

affirmative [əˈfɜ:mətɪv]  [əˈfɜ:rmətɪv] 


affirmative 基本解释

形容词肯定的; 赞成的,同意的; 积极的,乐观的

名词肯定词,肯定语; 正方; 确言,赞成

affirmative 相关例句


1. affirmative的反义词

1. Her answer was affirmative.


1. affirmative在线翻译

1. Two negatives make an affirmative.

affirmative 网络解释

1. 积极的:他们提了两个原则:(1)假如警察的行为引发了正常守法者的犯罪动机(motive)而不是普通罪犯意图,则侦查陷阱成立,例如,行为引起了某人处出于友情或同情犯罪而非因谋求个人利益或其他犯罪目的;(2)积极的(affirmative)警察行为假如一般能吸引一个正常的守法者参与犯罪,

2. 肯定:这讲法本来没有甚麼新意,重要的是他强调了否定式肯定(affirmative)的一面. 否定中的否定部份,可名为破坏(destruction),革命都有这破的一面,过去一个世纪,大家正是从这破的一面去了解左派的创新,去了解革命.

3. 肯定的:affirmation 批准 | affirmative 肯定的 | affirmatively 肯定地

4. 肯定(的;式):affective 影响的 | affirmative 肯定(的;式) | affix 词缀

affirmative 词典解释

1. (话语、手势等)肯定的
    An affirmative word or gesture indicates that you agree with what someone has said or that the answer to a question is 'yes'.


    e.g. Haig was desperately eager for an affirmative answer...
    e.g. Dr Sinclair's affirmative nod seemed a shade reluctant.

'Is that clear?' Bob nodded his head affirmatively.

2. 以肯定方式;表示赞成
    If you reply to a question in the affirmative, you say 'yes' or make a gesture that means 'yes'.

    e.g. He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.

3. (语法中)肯定的
    In grammar, an affirmative clause is positive and does not contain a negative word.

affirmative 单语例句

1. Malaysia's minority ethnic Indians and Chinese have been chafing at an affirmative action program for the Malay majority.

2. It is time we thought about adopting " affirmative action " in Hong Kong's higher education.

3. Apparently this kind of affirmative research into these new areas brought a greater sense of moral conscientiousness to the brainstorming about Japan's war responsibility.

4. There's plenty more we can do but this is at least an affirmative step forward, one that has worked here and should remain in place.

5. WASHINGTON - The US Department of Commerce on Wednesday announced its affirmative final determination in duty investigations against drawn stainless steel sinks from China.

6. The ministry had set up an expert committee to pool opinions from individuals and organizations for the formulation of the bill on Affirmative Action.

7. Affirmative action is also subject to arbitrary definitions of " minority ", for it is based on the volume of voices instead of real demographic data.

8. Affirmative action makes it easier for some historically discriminated races or ethnic groups to enter college to receive better education.

9. As a result of the ITC's affirmative determination, the existing order on imports of this product from China will remain in force.

10. It states in affirmative and unmistakable terms the two countries support each other's peaceful development.

affirmative 英英释义



1. a reply of affirmation

    e.g. he answered in the affirmative


1. affirming or giving assent

    e.g. an affirmative decision
           affirmative votes

    Synonym: affirmatory

2. expressing or manifesting praise or approval

    e.g. approbative criticism
           an affirmative nod

    Synonym: approvingapprobativeapprobatoryplausive

3. expecting the best

    e.g. an affirmative outlook

    Synonym: optimistic

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