
air是什么意思 air在线翻译 air什么意思 air的意思 air的翻译 air的解释 air的发音 air的同义词 air的反义词 air的例句 air的相关词组

air [eə(r)]  [er] 


air 基本解释

名词空运; 天空; 气氛; (简单易记的)曲调

及物/不及物动词晾晒; 烘干; 播送; 广播

及物动词使房间通风, 透气

air 相关词组

1. in the air : 悬而未决;

2. on the air : 在广播;

3. up in the air : 悬而未决;

4. into thin air : 无影无踪;

5. give oneself airs : 摆架子;

6. by air : 乘飞机;

7. clear the air : 使空气清新, 消除误会;

8. out of thin air : 无中生有地;

air 相关例句


1. The sheets were aired on the line.

2. The room needs to be aired.


1. air

1. The program airs daily.


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. He has a triumphant air.

2. Birds fly in the air.

3. air

3. He put on high airs with his learning.

air 情景对话


A:Who will meet you at the air port?

B:No one.


A:Oh, than I will arrange one of my staff to meet you at the airport.

Hold one’s tongue.-(不开口)


A:Can I air my opinion?


B:Hold you tongue! You’ve talked too much.

A:I have every right to talk. You should let me finish what I’m saying.


A:Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you?


B:Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong?

A:Yes, we have. For how many?

B:Please keep two for us to pick up.

A:Would you prefer a window, aside or enter seat?

B:Window, please.



air 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. air:attitude towards renvoi; 态度

2. air:adobe integrated runtime; 集成运行时

3. air:air intercept rocket; 空中拦截火箭

4. air:air injection reaction; 二次喷气装置

air 词典解释

1. 空气;大气
    Air is the mixture of gases which forms the earth's atmosphere and which we breathe.

    e.g. Draughts help to circulate air...
    e.g. Keith opened the window and leaned out into the cold air.

2. 天空;空中;空间
    The air is the space around things or above the ground.


    e.g. Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air...
    e.g. People's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air.

3. 空运;航空
    Air is used to refer to travel in aircraft.

    e.g. Air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year...
    e.g. Casualties had to be brought to hospital by air.

4. (简单易记的)曲调,旋律
    An air is a simple tune which can be easily recognized and remembered.

5. 神态;感觉;总体印象;氛围
    If you say that someone or something has a particular air, you mean that they give this general impression.

    e.g. Jennifer regarded him with an air of amusement...
    e.g. The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.

6. 矫揉造作;装腔作势;做作
    If you say that someone is putting on airs or giving themselves airs, you are criticizing them for behaving as if they are better than other people.

    e.g. We're poor and we never put on airs.

7. (通过电视或无线电)播送,播放
    If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.


    e.g. Tonight PBS will air a documentary called 'Democracy In Action'.

...the airing of offensive material.

8. 使公开;宣扬
    If you air your opinions, you make them known to people.


    e.g. They sat for more than six hours, and both sides agreed they had aired all their differences...
    e.g. The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.

While we're able to broach the subject of sex, money rarely gets an airing.

9. 使通风
      If you air a room or building, you let fresh air into it.


      e.g. One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.

Open all the windows of the bedroom and give it a good airing.

10. 烘干(衣物、被褥)
      If you air clothing or bedding, you put it somewhere warm to make sure that it is completely dry.

      e.g. When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.

11. 消除分歧;解决问题
      If you do something to clear the air, you do it in order to resolve any problems or disagreements that there might be.


      e.g. ...an inquiry just to clear the air and settle the facts of the case.

12. 大模大样;摆架子;装腔作势
      If you refer to someone's airs and graces, you mean that they behave in a way that shows that they think they are more important than other people.

      e.g. The old cliché of the customer being always right is what gives them airs and graces.

13. 可感觉到;可被意识到
      If something is in the air it is felt to be present, but it is not talked about.

      e.g. There was great excitement in the air...
      e.g. She walked away and left the question hanging in the air.

14. 播送(广播、电视节目);(广播、电视节目)播放/停止播放
      If someone is on the air, they are broadcasting on radio or television. If a programme is on the air, it is being broadcast on radio or television. If it is off the air, it is not being broadcast.


      e.g. She is going on the air as presenter of a new show...
      e.g. Rockwell hopes the program can be on the air within a year...

15. (消失得)无影无踪/突然神秘地(出现)
      If someone or something disappears into thin air, they disappear completely. If someone or something appears out of thin air, they appear suddenly and mysteriously.

      e.g. 'But where could they have gone?' he demanded. 'They can't just vanish into thin air!'...
      e.g. He had materialized out of thin air; I had not seen or heard him coming.

16. 悬而未决;未决定
      If you say that a decision or a situation is up in the air, you mean that it has not yet been completely settled or planned.

      e.g. He told reporters today that the president's trip to Moscow is up in the air.

17. 非常高兴;兴高采烈
      If you say that you are walking on air or floating on air, you mean that you feel extremely happy about something.

      e.g. As soon as I know I'm in the team it's like I'm walking on air.

air 单语例句


1. The plan also provides business opportunities for energy efficiency solution providers, including Air Products.

2. He accused Wan of taking bribes from officials Wan had promoted and using public money to buy air conditioners and limousines for his family.

3. Netizens generally expressed disappointment over the new civil aviation measures and complained about the extra fees when buying air tickets.

4. The air hummed with the buzz of pilotless drones and the roar of jets, punctuated by the explosions of new airstrikes.

5. A police spokesman said the horse picked the boy up by the neck with its teeth and threw him into the air several meters.

6. The first batch of 100 tents will be transported by air to Jordan from Urumqi, capital of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

7. He arrived from Russia on October 28 by air and went to hospital on Sunday with severe breathing difficulties and other symptoms.

8. Flown by air from Myanmar, these crabs differ from Chinese ones in that their shells are thinner and more meatier.

9. He said Chengdu's advantage is its convenient transportation links, especially by air.

10. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.

air 英英释义



1. travel via aircraft

    e.g. air travel involves too much waiting in airports
           if you've time to spare go by air

    Synonym: air travelaviation

2. a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing

    e.g. an air of mystery
           the house had a neglected air
           an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters
           the place had an aura of romance

    Synonym: auraatmosphere

3. medium for radio and television broadcasting

    e.g. the program was on the air from 9 til midnight
           the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people

    Synonym: airwave

4. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence

    e.g. she was humming an air from Beethoven

    Synonym: tunemelodystrainmelodic linelinemelodic phrase

5. the mass of air surrounding the Earth

    e.g. there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere
           it was exposed to the air

    Synonym: atmosphere

6. the region above the ground

    e.g. her hand stopped in mid air
           he threw the ball into the air

7. a slight wind (usually refreshing)

    e.g. the breeze was cooled by the lake
           as he waited he could feel the air on his neck

    Synonym: breezezephyrgentle wind

8. a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing
    the stuff that the wind consists of

    e.g. air pollution
           a smell of chemicals in the air
           open a window and let in some air
           I need some fresh air

9. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)


1. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen

    e.g. air the old winter clothes
           air out the smoke-filled rooms

    Synonym: ventventilateair out

2. expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry

    e.g. Air linen

3. make public

    e.g. She aired her opinions on welfare

    Synonym: publicizepublicisebare

4. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television

    e.g. We cannot air this X-rated song

    Synonym: sendbroadcastbeamtransmit

5. be broadcast

    e.g. This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M.

6. expose to fresh air

    e.g. aerate your old sneakers

    Synonym: air outaerate

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