
amuse是什么意思 amuse在线翻译 amuse什么意思 amuse的意思 amuse的翻译 amuse的解释 amuse的发音 amuse的同义词 amuse的反义词 amuse的例句

amuse [əˈmju:z]  [əˈmjuz] 


amuse 基本解释

及物动词娱乐; 逗乐; 使人发笑; 使消遣

amuse 相关例句


1. It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused herself with a book.

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2. He amused himself by playing the flute.

3. amuse在线翻译

3. We were amused at the joke.

4. A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.

5. His story amuses me.

amuse 网络解释

1. 逗...笑:agitate 在大人(age)的鼓动,煽动(agitate)下,小孩模仿(imitate)着大人的搅拌(agitate)amuse 人们在逗笑(amuse)的时候经常说笑死了,其实笑一下(a)并没有死(muse)ancestor 祖先(ancestor)在母系社会中,每个(an)姐妹(音:sister)都受尊重.

2. 娱乐:A娱乐(amuse)听听音乐,唱唱卡拉OK,去林中漫步,登高望远. 对着蓝天、白云欢笑,伴着风声、雨声歌唱,这就是你对大自然的倾诉. 天有日月星,人有精气神,当渺小的个人融入浩瀚的天地中,你就会汲取力量,受到启迪. B洗浴(bath)生物是从水中起源进化的,

3. 使欢乐;使愉快;使发笑:1.amuse 使歡樂;使愉快;使發笑 | 2.audience 聽眾;觀眾 | 3.ballet 芭蕾舞

amuse 词典解释

1. 逗乐;逗笑
    If something amuses you, it makes you want to laugh or smile.


    e.g. The thought seemed to amuse him...
    e.g. Their antics never fail to amuse.

2. 给…提供娱乐(或消遣)
    If you amuse yourself, you do something in order to pass the time and not become bored.

    e.g. I need distractions. I need to amuse myself so I won't keep thinking about things...
    e.g. Put a selection of baby toys in his cot to amuse him if he wakes early.

3. see also: amused;amusing

amuse 单语例句

1. All this advice doubles up if you're travelling with children - and pack easily accessed items to amuse them on the journey.

2. He said he just wanted to amuse himself, that's not a crime.

3. Start with a delightful complimentary amuse bouche of pureed sweet carrot and a basket of fresh fennel seed bread accompanied by dips.

4. A child in India decided to swallow a live fish to amuse his friends, but instead the fish got stuck in his lung.

5. The National Museum's introduction says the intention is to amuse netizens and show the museum's lively side to kindle public interest.

6. The relaxed world record holder and Olympic champion said his first false start was a deliberate attempt to amuse the spectators.

7. The interaction between this sexist who refers to gays as " poofters " and his homosexual partner will amuse many.

8. She often spoke to her mirror image as a little girl to amuse herself, much to her parents'concern.

9. She always said Dad had nothing but weakness and the only thing he did well was amuse other people.

10. When suddenly they have time to take a break, they have blindly lost ways to amuse themselves.

amuse 英英释义



1. make (somebody) laugh

    e.g. The clown amused the children

2. occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion

    e.g. The play amused the ladies

    Synonym: divertdisport

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