
anagram是什么意思 anagram在线翻译 anagram什么意思 anagram的意思 anagram的翻译 anagram的解释 anagram的发音 anagram的同义词 anagram的反义词

anagram [ˈænəgræm]  [ˈænəˌɡræm] 


anagram 基本解释


anagram 网络解释

1. anagram的解释

1. 字谜:正如已经看到的那样,索绪尔本身的字谜(anagram)研究也发现了对符号任意性原理提出挑战一般的语言事象. 在吸收这两种流派并将双方的理论从语言横断性的观点出发进行精密化的同时,创造连接二者的理论,就成了克里斯蒂瓦的主题.

anagram 双语例句

1. His name it's an anagram RAuM..

2. The solution to the problem is an anagram of the original jumbled word, Ex.

3. The essential functionality includes the following: Tabbed interface allowing multiple definitions and searches to be readily available; Quick cross-referencing (any and all displayed words are clickable, triggering a lookup Standard and advanced wildcard search functionality; Anagram search; History and session record keeping; Options that allow customization of the appearance of TheSage; Copy to clipboard of all or part of the information displayed.
    基本功能包括以下内容:标签式界面,允许多种定义和搜查,以随时获得;快速交叉引用(任何和所有显示的话可以点击,触发一个查找);标准和先进的通配符搜索功能;大战搜索;历史和会议备存纪录;选项,允许定制的外观thesage ;复制到剪贴板的全部或部分显示的信息。

4. An anagram that means the opposite of the original word or phrase.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Ls it another anagram? Can you break it?

6. anagram的意思

6. It is often fun to see if rearranging the letters of a name gives an amusing anagram.

7. anagram在线翻译

7. What is a possible anagram of the phrase THE EYES? Hint: Two separate words.

8. anagram

8. Related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram.

9. Is it another anagram?

10. Composer and crossword geek Stephen Sondheim once noted, brilliantly, that Cinerama is an anagram of American.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. We will take our word-game scripts one step further working with a difficult logic by building a complex anagram generator, a crypto solver, and more.

12. On anagram in English and character-dividing in Chinese: Aesthetic value, semantic connotation and meanings in culture and folklore

13. Quot; Not taking any chances, the ongwriters have simply come up with a clever anagram of their original hit, and Walden has glossed it over in an identically perky style.

anagram 词典解释

1. 变位词(指变换某个词或短语的字母顺序构成的新词或短语)
    An anagram is a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. For example, 'triangle' is an anagram of 'integral'.

anagram 英英释义


1. a word or phrase spelled by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase


1. read letters out of order to discover a hidden meaning

    Synonym: anagrammatizeanagrammatise

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