
android是什么意思 android在线翻译 android什么意思 android的意思 android的翻译 android的解释 android的发音 android的同义词 android的反义词

android [ˈændrɔɪd]  [ˈænˌdrɔɪd] 


android 基本解释

名词机器人; 基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统,主要使用于便携设备。目前尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人称为安卓

android 网络解释

1. (开源手机操作系统):谷歌在移动软件上将有自己的特色,毕竟它是基于Linux平台开源手机操作系统(Android)幕后操纵者. 但是,这个搜索引擎巨头并不介意哪个操作系统在市场上占据上风. 相反,谷歌认为它寻找到一个双赢的局面,

2. 人形机器人:在机器人被实用化后不久,人形机器人(Android)实用化也被普及的时代......陆夫在检阅家中的机器人莎美SAMMY外出的行动纪录中,发现她到了一个指令外的地点去.

3. 人造人:哦天呐绿色人造人(Android)右脚下面还有一只小狗狗,它是人造人的宠物--人造狗吗?好吧,我们知道,未来在这里还会出...

android 双语例句

1. Moreover, engine magnate Google does not stand by either but put out Android Plan to set up a friendly on-line software platform which is based on open source software and faces medium-quality cell phones.
    此外,搜索巨头 Google也没有袖手旁观,业已推出了Android计划,试图创建一个基于开放源软件面向中档手机的网络友好型软件平台。

2. Let us look at how Android arrived on the Mobile OS landscape.

3. We are excited to introduce Translate for Animals, an Android application which we hope will allow us to better understand our animal friends.

4. In the video provided, they give a nice overview of the player, as well as a brief glimpse of the Plaszma and Android OS.

5. Of the Android OS Job Requirement:more than 3 years relative work experience:Master of J2ME
    职位需求:三年相关工作经验精通J2SE或 J2ME ,良好的JAVA基础。

6. If they had not pointed out that there are two OSes, I would have assumed the tablet contained the Android OS with a few Archos applications.
    如果不是厂家的人指出Archos 5使用了双操作系统的话,我一定以为这个平板是在原始的Android操作系统中内置了几个Archos的应用程序。

7. To meet domestic cottage known as the video is no longer a dream iPad evaluation iPhone Android system to run successfully the Nokia N812 million pixel video multimedia presentations...

8. A couple of days ago, we published a report indicating that HTC Hero is the next Android device in line to get the Android 2.1 update.
    一對夫婦的天前,我們公佈的一份報告顯示,宏達英雄是下一個機器人裝置線得到了Android 2.1更新。

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. After that, the packages providing related services in Android SDK are employed to realize the system on the basis of each module design. Finally, the server is deployed and the system is tested by using the emulator and debug tool provided by Android SDK.
    然后,根据各模块的设计,使用Android SDK包含的相关服务支持的包来实现系统,最后,完成服务器部署,并通过Android SDK提供的模拟器和调试工具来测试系统。

10. android

10. We are committed to driving innovation, to providing our customers with a superior experience.
    我们承偌今年会把第一款 android 手机带给大家,我们背负着创新的使命,以提供给我们的客户全新的超级体验

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. He summons the Red Ribbon Army's secret weapon, the monstrous Android Number 8!

12. China Unicom Ltd., another state-owned carrier, on Wednesday said it decided not to preinstall Google search on an Android handset manufactured by Motorola that it introduced earlier this month.

13. I had not used Iphone and App Store, nevertheless every has used person tells me, android Market is too pallet under photograph comparing.
      我没有用过iphone和app store,不过每个用过的人都告诉我,相比之下android market太简陋了。

14. And Android secure panel shows in statement, because Android will be installed to be on a lot of paragraph mobile phones in succession, and need pair of patches extend undertake many harmony works, accordingly, it is OK that they hope safety analyses a personage the flaw that will discover is furtive in refer them.

15. android的近义词

15. This new $200 phone is the Motorola Droid and it's the first Verizon model to run Google's Android smart
      这款售价200美元的新手机是摩托罗拉的Droid它也是Verizon首款运行谷歌 Android智能手机操作系统的的型号。

16. This new $200 phone is the Motorola Droid and it's the first Verizon model to run Google's Android smart-phone operating system.

17. For Nokia, although Maemo is a powerful platform, but the software written specifically for the Maemo is currently with the late-coming but is only a pittance compared with Android, while Intel's Moblin warehouse on the design of the software itself would be able to use the many of the existing Linux software, perhaps after the merger the number of software applications can be amplified by many, and Moblin-UI design has its unique features, the current UI for the Maemo on the need to make improvements would also help.

18. Droid word system is Google includes the acquiescent form of a written or printed character in opening system of Android of platform of source mobile phone famously, among them Droid Sans Fallback includes CJK standard Chinese character more than 16000, it is at present place knows one of style of Chinese opening a source with not much amount to (also be afterwards Wen Quanyi black) of boldface of the 2nd later Chinese opening a source.
      Droid字体系是Google包含在著名的开源手机平台Android系统中的默认字体,其中的Droid Sans Fallback包含CJK标准汉字16000余个,是目前所知为数不多的开源中文字体之一(也是继文泉驿正黑之后的第二个开源中文黑体)。

19. To cooperate this one plan, cereal songbook week released the newest version of Android software development tool.

20. Dell has also been working with Google on an Android-powered tablet computer in recent months.

android 词典解释

1. (科幻小说或电影中的)机器人偶,仿真机器人
    In science fiction books and films, an android is a robot that looks like a human being.

android 单语例句

1. To compete with Apple Inc's iOS and Google Inc's Android, the company said it will customize applications and products for the Chinese market.

2. Android tablets had front and rear facing cameras and dual core processors.

3. Sony has just launched a television with Google that includes integrated Android software.

4. Aside from a lone tablet PC from Acer based on Microsoft's Windows Phone 7, every new device at the show appeared to be an Android.

5. The Android market is an online marketplace that provides contents and applications that could be downloaded to mobile phones with Google's Android operating system.

6. The software is available on mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android, and has been running on online chat tool Windows Live Messenger for a long time.

7. Because Google doesn't profit directly from Android, it has been able to sit mostly on the sidelines while its partners were sued.

8. Analysts said fragmentation has so far been Android's biggest drawback with too many different versions by different hardware providers.

9. ZTE has used the rising popularity of smartphones running Google Inc's Android operating system to expand sales of handsets in the United States and Europe.

10. To boost its position in the smartphone market, the company will launch new models and a tablet running Google's Android software.

android 英英释义


1. an automaton that resembles a human being

    Synonym: humanoidmechanical man

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