
annals是什么意思 annals在线翻译 annals什么意思 annals的意思 annals的翻译 annals的解释 annals的发音 annals的同义词 annals的反义词 annals的例句

annals [ˈænlz]  [ˈænəlz] 

annals 基本解释


名词编年史; 历史记载; (学会等的)活动年报

annals 相关例句


1. We found the information in the annals of the society.

annals 网络解释

1. 编年史:可惜这样看来圆满的结局,在史家塔西佗(Tacitus)的<<编年史>>(Annals)书中被诽谤成一种淫秽的兴趣,弄得今天如织的游人穿梭在卡布利岛的别庄遗迹时,在空荡荡的厅堂里各怀鬼胎,想像的都是<<秘戏图考>>般的春宫画面.

2. annals的近义词

2. 年表,年报:anklet 踝套 | annals 年表,年报 | annealer 炼韧器

annals 词典解释

1. 史册;历史记载
    If something is in the annals of a nation or field of activity, it is recorded as part of its history.


    e.g. He has become a legend in the annals of military history.

2. (用于学术杂志的名称)年鉴
    Annals is used in the titles of journals of a particular field of academic research.

    e.g. It was published in the 'Annals of Internal Medicine'.

annals 单语例句

1. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston report the findings in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

2. It is recorded in the Annals of Songjiang Prefecture that Huating has nine mountains.

3. They point out in the Annals of Neurology that the diagnosis of somnambulism is difficult, because sleepwalking episodes rarely occur spontaneously in the sleep laboratory.

4. For research purposes and to better document the customs, the researchers must first study any existing documents or annals that track the custom.

5. Despite the fact that local annals documented that the pagoda was built in 1056, no records show who constructed and why.

6. This summer will go down in the annals of the city as the time more seafood was on the menu than ever before.

7. The local farmers always believed tigers existed in the forests, and local history annals record appearances of the South China tiger.

8. In the annals of catastrophe cinema Japan's 2011 triple disaster has proved to be an unusually accelerated case.

9. Dubs derived his speculation from ancient Chinese Han Dynasty history annals, which described a battle between the Han empire and Jzh Jzh in western China.

10. In the annals of China's ongoing fight against corruption, the year 2003 left an impressively heavy stroke.

annals 英英释义


1. a chronological account of events in successive years

    Synonym: chronological record

2. reports of the work of a society or learned body etc

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