
annuity是什么意思 annuity在线翻译 annuity什么意思 annuity的意思 annuity的翻译 annuity的解释 annuity的发音 annuity的同义词 annuity的反义词

annuity [əˈnju:əti]  [əˈnu:əti] 


annuity 基本解释

名词年金; 养老金; 年金享受权; 年金保险投资

annuity 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Many companies in this country grant their old employees annuities after they retire.

annuity 网络解释

1. 养老金:Bobroff公司分析的数据包括共同基金和养老金(annuity)账户中所持有的股票、债券和货币市场(money market)资产. 丰田公司(Toyota Motor)周二宣布,因存在用力关车门时可能使车辆侧气囊会无故开启,公司开始对约3万辆运动型双坐跑车Scion tC进行返修.

2. annuity

2. 年薪:保护财产购买力的一个方法是继续将一部分财产投资在成长型的投资品上面(如股票或股票基金)这使您财产的长期增殖成为可能,同时提供一定保护相对于生活成本的上升. 这个策略可以用于RSP,RIF或您的非注册投资帐户,但是,它无法被用于那里用来购买年薪(Annuity)的财产.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 年金保险:给出了时间推移下同年龄死亡效力之间的关系.基于此,引入了布朗运动的随机变量,将死亡效力随机化,并进行模拟,优化了可靠性检验结果.第四部分预测了生命表改善对年金保险(annuity)净费率的影响.分析了延期承保的费率影响趋势,

annuity 词典解释

1. 年金保险合同;年金保险
    An annuity is an investment or insurance policy that pays someone a fixed sum of money each year.

annuity 单语例句

1. Deng has been in charge of the company's employer annuity business.

2. These annuities would start paying out when the worker turns 62, and by age 67 the retired worker would be getting his annuity in full.

3. It was recently among the first four foreign providers to be granted a license to manage the underlying assets of the new corporate annuity scheme.

4. Analysts said China's annuity market has enormous potential as the nation continues to reform its pension system with increased contributions from businesses and individuals.

5. The CIRC's move to approve more specialized pension insurers will allow more financial institutions to get corporate annuity licenses.

6. A new round of campaign for granting qualifications required for the annuity management will be launched next month.

7. Foreign insurers were also allowed to provide annuity products earlier this month, as part of China's commitments upon its World Trade Organization accession.

8. Investment and cash savings are counted, but life annuity plans packaged as insurance products are likely to be exempted.

9. The government implemented the Enterprise Annuity Scheme in 2004 to introduce a standard company pension scheme for the evolving private sector.

10. This increase may be attributed to commercial banks, which are making more and more of a presence in the corporate annuity market.

annuity 英英释义



1. income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments

    e.g. his retirement fund was set up to be paid as an annuity

    Synonym: rente

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