
anthrax是什么意思 anthrax在线翻译 anthrax什么意思 anthrax的意思 anthrax的翻译 anthrax的解释 anthrax的发音 anthrax的同义词 anthrax的反义词

anthrax [ˈænθræks]  [ˈænˌθræks] 


anthrax 基本解释

名词<医>炭疽(病); 炭疽脓疱

anthrax 网络解释

1. 炭疽乐队:rk Hammett)将和杀手乐队(Slayer)的凯利金(Kerry King)、艾丽丝囚徒乐队(Alice In Chains)的杰里 坎特雷尔(Jerry Cantrell)以及炭疽乐队(Anthrax)的斯科特 伊安(Scott Ian)一起加入到一个向潘多拉乐队(...在下月的奥兹音乐节上,

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 炭疽病:芝里民(Jeanne Guillemin)是波士顿学院的社会学教授,她在新作<<炭疽病>>(Anthrax)内研究斯维洛斯基事件,她相信军方为了保守秘密,徒然叫死亡人数上升. 她相信只有在亚巴慕法的验尸发现真相后(病菌散布后九天),官员才生出要隐藏真相的念头.

anthrax 词典解释

1. 炭疽(牛羊畜疫,可用于制造生物武器)
    Anthrax is a disease of cattle and sheep, in which they get painful sores and a fever. Anthrax can be used in biological weapons.

anthrax 单语例句

1. Experts pointed out anthrax is an acute infectious disease that most commonly affects hoofed mammals, but can also infect humans.

2. Seven cases of cutaneous anthrax have been confirmed in northeast China's Liaoning province, local health authorities said on Monday.

3. Howard later said the biological agent inside the letter was a bacillus bacteria, a family which includes deadly anthrax but also harmless germs.

4. It is also becoming possible to analyse data on a single drop of blood, urine or faeces to detect harmful bugs ranging from anthrax to influenza.

5. Anthrax spores were found on Stevens'computer keyboard and the mailroom of the American Media publisher headquarters.

6. Only a handful of anthrax cases have been reported in the United Kingdom in the past decade.

7. The new documents also present a novel theory why the anthrax notes featured block writing that highlighted specific letters within words.

8. Five people died in 2001 after anthrax powder was mailed to US congressional offices and media outlets in the weeks following the September 11 attacks.

9. Workers in protective garb that made them look like space men decontaminated US Capitol buildings after anthrax letters were discovered there.

10. His legs began to rot after an anthrax and farcy infection due to the germ warfare by the invading Japanese during the World War II.

anthrax 英英释义


1. a disease of humans that is not communicable
    caused by infection with Bacillus anthracis followed by septicemia

2. a highly infectious animal disease (especially cattle and sheep)
    it can be transmitted to people

    Synonym: splenic fever

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