
apologetic是什么意思 apologetic在线翻译 apologetic什么意思 apologetic的意思 apologetic的翻译 apologetic的解释 apologetic的发音 apologetic的同义词

apologetic [əˌpɒləˈdʒetɪk]  [əˌpɑ:ləˈdʒetɪk] 

apologetic 基本解释

形容词道歉的; 辩解的

名词辩解; (为事业、信仰等所作的)辩护



apologetic 相关例句


1. She was apologetic for not keeping her promise.

2. He spoke in an apologetic voice.

apologetic 网络解释

1. apologetic的近义词

1. 歉然:Elaine亦在传真内告知,前一晚曾与她母亲通电话,宋太太歉然(apologetic)未能及早通知我,爱玲女士大部分遗物都已转交台北皇冠出版社. 另外,宋家仍存留有两箱英文文稿,包括英译<<海上花>>及未完成的<<少帅>>......等,可以转赠给我.

2. 谦卑的,充满歉意的:- jocular 滑稽的, 诙谐的 | - apologetic 谦卑的,充满歉意的 | - conciliatory 安抚的,抚慰的

3. 道歉的, 急于认错的, 辩护的:Scientifically detached 学术上超然的, 学术上分离的, 科学态度冷淡的 | Apologetic 道歉的, 急于认错的, 辩护的 | Frustrated 挫折的, 挫败的, 无益的

4. apologetic的反义词

4. 道歉的:apologete 护教学专家 | apologetic 道歉的 | apologetical 辩解的

apologetic 双语例句

1. apologetic什么意思

1. In my view, a Van Tillian apologetic of the future should emphasize this principle even more than Van Til did.

2. apologetic的反义词

2. Because of this child, I felt so thankful, so happy, and so apologetic, and my heart broke.

3. On television he looks apologetic and overwhelmed.

4. Do not be apologetic.

5. He was apologetic for speaking so boldly to his elders, but he felt compelled by the spirit within him to speak his mind.

6. apologetic

6. It was there that Ron came in contact with the apologetic work of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and set his sights on a career in academia.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. It was written as an apologetic work to prove that the Church had produced learned men.

8. The apologetic works of Tertullian have been mentioned.

9. This is used when you've done something wrong and you feel very apologetic: I'm terribly sorry.

10. And I would rather not feel apologetic about it.

11. It shook him up and made him feel like making apologetic remarks, but he refrained.

12. But once I am inside my tailor's I immediately begin to feel apologetic.

13. Po: If you sacrifice so much for her, she will feel very apologetic after wakes up.

14. They feel apologetic toward the student.

15. apologetic的意思

15. Deep in his heart, he felt a surging enthusiasm, apologetic as well as appreciation.

16. apologetic的近义词

16. Reuters: A Dutch thief left an apologetic letter and promised a donation after he realized he was burgling a charity that helps the poor and elderly.

17. If we are too apologetic about globalization, we can feed core irrationalities, instead of taming them.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. Sa amounts to Mu case advocate rice of Du Lai of counsel for the defence makes a statement 9 days announce, with etc for Saddam 7 are the same as case the accused apologetic lawyer break down and Iraqi special law all contacts of front courtyard.

19. In an apologetic and self-defensive manner.

20. Fortunately, the north wind with winter apologetic, noisy peach and apricot season in March brought snow Ai, and gained some of my wishes.

apologetic 词典解释

1. 表示歉意的;认错的;愧疚的
    If you are apologetic, you show or say that you are sorry for causing trouble for someone, for hurting them, or for disappointing them.

    e.g. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate...
    e.g. They were almost apologetic about the improvements they'd made...

'It's of no great literary merit,' he said, almost apologetically.

apologetic 单语例句

1. In an affidavit filed with the Vermont District Court in Chelsea, a state trooper said Dillon was apologetic and cooperative.

2. Defense lawyer Zhang Jinlong said Li Qiming had been apologetic and had compensated the victims'families.

3. Local tourism authorities said in an apologetic letter on Tuesday that the post was originally written to refer to " a purely foreign tourist group ".

4. An apologetic Wang returned to his homeland admitting that he had made a mistake and asked to be reconsidered for national duty.

5. Those people who mouth this excuse do not understand the circumstances under which Murayama had made those apologetic remarks.

6. The boy's mother eventually spoke to his teacher, who persuaded her to send an apologetic text message to her son.

7. The apologetic talk was expected to continue Thursday when company CEO Tony Hayward will face sharp questions from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

8. Female criminals were said to have more apologetic attitudes about their misconducts after capture.

9. This made me feel especially apologetic to the geese since I was unable to finish them all.

10. The banner was taken away by police, who aren't bothering to investigate " Zheng Yan " or her apologetic boyfriend.

apologetic 英英释义



1. offering or expressing apology

    e.g. an apologetic note
           an apologetic manner

    Synonym: excusatory

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