
armadillo是什么意思 armadillo在线翻译 armadillo什么意思 armadillo的意思 armadillo的翻译 armadillo的解释 armadillo的发音 armadillo的同义词

armadillo [ˌɑ:məˈdɪləʊ]  [ˌɑ:rməˈdɪloʊ] 


armadillo 基本解释


armadillo 网络解释

1. 狳:特A级为了向异常猎人(Irregular Hunter)部队报复而加入西克玛武器为变色毒针(Chameleon Sting),弱点为回旋剪刀(Boomerang Cutter)第八机甲部队队长,犰狳(Armadillo)型机器人,特A级武器为滚动装甲(Rolling Shield),

2. 穿山甲:众所周知,CCU的破解是商业破解,对破解进行了二次加密,只能使用30次,到了30次之后,除非向CCU付费进行注册,否则软件次不能继续使用. 经我长期研究,他们的软件是使用了穿山甲(Armadillo)加了密的,现在三种方法可以达到长期使用的目的,说明如下:

armadillo 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. PIB1 is one of PI-D2 binding proteins from yeast two hybrid. In vitro transphosphorylation assay, PIB1 was phosphorylated by rice blast resistance kinase PI-D2, PIB1 encodes a U-box/armadillo repeat protein.
    PIB1是酵母双杂交获得的PI-D2的结合蛋白质之一,属于带ARM结构的U-box蛋白质,本实验证明PI-D2可以在体外磷酸化PIB1蛋白质; 5。

2. Please note: You can change SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's project and certificate settings at any time, but the changes cannot take effect until you re-protect your program and give that re-protected version to the person who will be using it.

3. In this final installment of Armadillo Knight, you can choose to play as either sidekick M..

4. I have never seen the armadillo.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. SoftwarePassport/Armadillo is good, but it's not perfect.

6. I have never saw the armadillo.

7. One of my favorite animals is the mammal called the armadillo.

8. When we got home, we saw an armadillo destroying grasses, we wanted to catch it, but failed.

9. Very small Argentine armadillo with pale silky hair and pink plates on head and neck.

10. It returns an errorlevel code to the command processor, so you can tell if it worked or not; if it returns zero, all is well; a one means that Armadillo ran into some error, and the program was not protected.
    他返回一个错误级别代码到命令处理程序,因此你将告知他是否工作了;如果他返回0 ,所有都正常,返回1意味着Armadillo运行遇到错误,程序没有被保护。

11. armadillo

11. Large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle.

12. Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there.

13. The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.

14. armadillo的解释

14. Think of this example mixed with an obfuscator or compressor like AsProtect or Armadillo with a more complex hashing algorithm than CRC32 and you will get how it would be easy to write less easily crackable programs.
      想象一下,对这个例子使用混淆代码和压缩程序的方法,例如加上 AsProtect或Armadillo的壳,再用比CRC32更复杂的散列算法加密,你也能用简单的办法去写一个不易破解的程序。

15. To PI armadillo as a company logo, corporate totem, is to show that the company should create a harmonious society, a better life for the realization of the ideal of everyone and make unremitting efforts and sincere dedication to the faith and determination.

16. PL armadillo manners plump rounded, practical generous, widely loved by the people.

17. armadillo的反义词

17. Design Notes: PL armadillo is widely spread the Chinese culture, has a long history of auspicious hands of the people at Lucky Nafu, the town of evil, evil, happy life, wealth and other aspirations and dreams.

18. The Basic Edition is the cut-down economy version of Armadillo.

19. armadillo

19. Pure math makes SoftwarePassport/Armadillo's keys secure; in order to crack the encryption template on a single certificate by brute force, a cracker would have to try every possible key combination. If the cracker's smart about it, it would only take 2, 000 years on a 100MHz Pentium-class system; if not, it could take exponentially longer. Since there is no mathematical way to attack this encryption system (like the quadratic sieve or general number sieve for RSA encryption), it would have to be done with a brute force attack, probably with a much faster system (a 200 gigahertz system would still need about a year to go through them all... at the time of this writing, Intel and AMD are just about to come out with the first 2.5 gigahertz chips).

20. armadillo的翻译

20. If most programs can be likened to an unlocked building where anyone can just walk in and help themselves, then a SoftwarePassport/Armadillo-protected program is more like an exclusive private club, where all the doors are locked and guarded, and non-members -- if they're allowed in at all -- are forced to use the public entrance where the staff can keep an eye on them and make sure they don't over-stay their welcome.

armadillo 词典解释

1. 犰狳(体表有骨质鳞甲的小动物,主要栖息于南美洲和中美洲)
    An armadillo is a small animal whose body is covered with large bony scales and which rolls itself into a ball when it is attacked. Armadillos are mainly found in South and Central America.


armadillo 单语例句

1. A rare species of armadillo is set to be the official mascot for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.


armadillo 英英释义


1. burrowing chiefly nocturnal mammal with body covered with strong horny plates

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