
armored units是什么意思 armored units在线翻译 armored units什么意思 armored units的意思 armored units的翻译 armored units的解释 armored units的发音

armored units

armored units 双语例句

1. At 15:30, September 25, after receiving the order of holding the exercise, the brigade immediately joined the troops from the artillery, air defense, armored, anti-chemical units and militiamen as well as reservists to start the exercise involving some real combat subjects such as building the pontoon bridge ferry, mobile road engineering support and complex troops river crossing and so on.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. The Aliens have constructed an additional outlying base focused on armored units.

3. The 38th Armored Division included many heavy artillery units such as HAVw A6 Juggernauts and Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery - Turbolaser walkers, All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, and Republic Artillery Guns.
    第38装甲师内包括很多重型火炮单位,譬如HAVw A6 主宰者战车和自行重型火炮-涡轮激光步行机,全地形战术强击车,以及共和国火炮。

4. Slingers can be more effective against armored units and were historically.

5. Finally its also good to bring along some Mobile Repair Transports or Rigs to support your armored units and repair them while in battle or after a battle to get the full effectiveness of your attack force.

6. The Wehrmacht was not convinced that the small scale use of tanks by poorly-trained foreign tankers supporting poorly-trained militia units was an accurate reflection of the operational potential of large armored formations.

7. Study and Design on the Simulation System for Tactical Training of Armored Units

8. The capture of Sicily was relatively easy, and you gave us a perfect time for our armored push through France, the greatest victory military that you have granted me. You often gave me excellent counsel in my difficult decisions of command, and you dropped German units into my traps, which made their elimination relatively easy.

9. The zealots are much more dangerous against the marauder, as the concussion missiles don't do as much damage against lightly armored units like zealots.

10. Non-biological units does not however mean they fall under the'armored'class though and vice-versa.

11. This paper focuses on the design of achievement of information security about armored mechanized units.

12. armored units的近义词

12. This is a great way to preserve your armored units while your opponent wastes their time fighting infantry.

13. armored units是什么意思

13. Other infantry units can be a real pain in the ass to armored units.

14. Armored units of theenemy are based in a ancient city.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. It consists of 18 units composed of armored infantry fighting vehicles.

16. For instance, Marauders are biological units but are armored.

17. This mode is particularly deadly against enemy armored units and structures.

18. China has been upgrading these units with tanks, armored personnel carriers, and additional artillery pieces.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. The concentrated power of the armored units flowed to the west not in an even stream but irregularly from traffic jam to traffic jam.

armored units 单语例句

1. Infantry and armored units were already headed to the Gaza border for a possible ground invasion.

2. Army units had rolled into Fallujah through a breach near the rail station, followed by Marines in Humvees and armored transport.

armored units
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