
arraignment是什么意思 arraignment在线翻译 arraignment什么意思 arraignment的意思 arraignment的翻译 arraignment的解释 arraignment的发音

arraignment [ə'reɪnmənt]  [ə'reɪnmənt] 


arraignment 基本解释


arraignment 网络解释

1. 提讯:中新网4月30日电 据美国<<星岛日报>>报道,今年1月中晚间在蒙市狮子老人公寓枪杀前女友畲珍妮(Jenny Sor,译音)和其华裔新男友赵文华(Wenwa Chao)的柬埔寨裔凶嫌唐奇(Richard Tauch,译音),28日在法庭提讯(Arraignment)中力辩无罪,由于涉及两条人命,

2. 提审:在提审(Arraignment)程序中,被告人的律师、检察官均要出示证据. 被告人衡量证据,并与检察官讨价还价达成低刑的承诺后才做出有罪的答辩,否则被告人就答辩无罪. 因此,在辩诉交易中,被告人的答辩有罪是在了解控方的证据及最后的刑罚之后衡量利弊做出的抉择.

3. 过堂:被告首次上法庭之程序是过堂(Arraignment). 在过堂中,被告主要向法院表示认罪与否,并向检方索取证据,在没有仔细研读证据前,千万不能认罪. 接著就是审前会议(Pre-trial Conference),检辩双方在法官督导下,商讨是否有庭外和解的可能性,

arraignment 词典解释

1. 传讯;提审;提讯
    Arraignment is when someone is brought before a court of law to answer a particular charge.


    e.g. They are scheduled for arraignment October 5th...
    e.g. Crowds appeared at the arraignments, clashing with security forces.

arraignment 单语例句

1. " She's in extreme fear of this defendant, " Deputy District Attorney Wendy Segall said during the arraignment.

2. About 50 of the detainees had launched a hunger strike Thursday to protest their extended time behind bars while awaiting arraignment.

3. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's arraignment was brief - less than five minutes - and a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf.

4. If he does not appear for his arraignment a judge is allowed to issue a bench warrant for his arrest.

5. The size of the crowd was smaller than at his first arraignment, and there was no sign of the Nation of Islam bodyguards who accompanied him then.

6. With Jackson's arraignment scheduled for January 16, legal experts said the pop star should try to stay out of the headlines.

7. The arraignment had been scheduled for May 22 but postponed to Monday for the same reason posed by the defendant's lawyer.

8. The videos were the first images of the men since their arraignment in July along with Saddam and the other detainees.

9. The indictment returned last week was so secret that the court schedule doesn't even list an arraignment.

10. A judge postponed his arraignment on the charges, which carry a maximum of 12 years in prison.

arraignment 英英释义


1. a legal document calling someone to court to answer an indictment

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