
arsenal是什么意思 arsenal在线翻译 arsenal什么意思 arsenal的意思 arsenal的翻译 arsenal的解释 arsenal的发音 arsenal的同义词 arsenal的反义词

arsenal [ˈɑ:sənl]  [ˈɑ:rsənl] 


arsenal 基本解释


arsenal 网络解释

1. 兵工厂:资产排行第2的是13.5亿美元的西班牙皇家马德里 (Real Madrid),接著是资产也超过10亿美元的英超 兵工厂(Arsenal)、德甲拜仁慕尼黑(Bayern Munich )及英超利物浦(Liverpool).

2. 阿森纳队:如今,亨利不仅被认为是世界上最好的前锋之一,而且也成为了英超(English Premiership)阿森纳队(Arsenal)的标志性球员. 欧洲所有的俱乐部都可以做证-只有他自己的文雅的风格才能配上他那致命的绝杀. 在同胞帕特里克•

3. 军械库:这里位于军械库(Arsenal)水上巴士站向东50码/45米,圣马可广场向东500码/450米的地方. 这样的位置距离圣马可广场足够近,所以很方便,但是远度上又使这里不会过于拥挤. 我们还可以免费使用因特网和打印机:只要问问前台就行.

arsenal 词典解释

1. 储藏的武器;军备
    An arsenal is a large collection of weapons and military equipment held by a country, group, or person.

    e.g. Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals...
    e.g. They possess a formidable arsenal of rifles, machine guns, landmines and teargas.

2. 武器库;军火库
    An arsenal is a building where weapons and military equipment are stored.

    e.g. The murder weapon was part of a haul stolen in a raid on a South African air-force arsenal in 1990.

3. (方法、资源等的)宝库;(储藏工具的)仓库
    You can use arsenal to refer to a large number of tools, methods, or resources that someone has available to help them achieve what they want to do.

    e.g. Managers use a full arsenal of motivational techniques to get employees to take risks...
    e.g. He has more punches in his arsenal than other boxers.

arsenal 单语例句


1. LONDON - Arsene Wenger believes the busy Christmas period will play a major part in deciding if Arsenal can win the Premier League.

2. Chelsea and Mourinho were charged last month by the Premier League over an illegal approach to Arsenal defender Ashley Cole.

3. Wenger was infuriated by the way United set out to disrupt Arsenal's smooth passing game by flying into tackles with aggressive intent.

4. In the United Kingdom, far more concern about footballer Thierry Henry's departure from Arsenal than about a cabinet reshuffle.

5. Arsenal now face Celtic in Champions League qualifying on Tuesday and Everton manager David Moyes was fearful for his former club.

6. Terry is looking to emulate what Tony Adams did in spending his entire career at Arsenal by staying at Chelsea for life.

7. North Korea threatened on Monday to add to its nuclear arsenal if talks with the United States and its allies were delayed.

8. Barca quickly asserted their customary dominance of possession at the Nou Camp, forcing the Arsenal players to chase the ball for long periods.

9. " We are very close on and off the pitch, " Flamini told the Arsenal Web site.

10. Manager Arsene Wenger urged Arsenal fans on Thursday to keep the faith after the club's poor start to the season.

arsenal 英英释义


1. a place where arms are manufactured

    Synonym: armoryarmoury

2. a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms

    Synonym: armoryarmoury

3. all the weapons and equipment that a country has

    Synonym: armoryarmoury

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