
ask for a loan是什么意思 ask for a loan在线翻译 ask for a loan什么意思 ask for a loan的意思 ask for a loan的翻译 ask for a loan的解释

ask for a loan

ask for a loan 双语例句

1. A:Why don't you write to your bank and ask for a loan?

2. The bank will not be able to ask for any extra money or sue the former owners for a deficiency judgment, because they accept the property itself as satisfaction of the loan.

3. During his first month as Loftus Road he scored twice in his first two games causing John Gregory to ask for an extension on the loan period (you can hear Gregory`s comments on Smith in the video below) and then again, a further extension which terminates at the end of this season.

4. ask for a loan的解释

4. A formal Greek request for a bail-out* seems imminent after its mounting debts and hefty borrowing costs sought it to ask for stand-by loan of 30 billion ($41 billion) from the IMF and euro-area countries a week ago.

5. ask for a loan的反义词

5. If you are having trouble, ask a financial advisor or loan officer for help.

6. And ask for a loan, that I know well, they might refuse.

7. We have to ask for a loan.

8. I think we'd better ask for a loan from the bank.

9. A: I think we'd better ask for a loan from the bank.

10. ask for a loan什么意思

10. To ask the bank for loan, I have to place a mortgage on my house.

11. ask for a loan

11. To ask the bank for a loan.

12. The bank may ask for security if you apply for a loan.

13. Luke Chadwick is ready to ask Manchester United for a permanent move to another club after spending this season on loan at Burnley.
      这位英格兰21岁以下的国家队代表曾经为United出战39场比赛,其中包括18场一队赛事,同时他也曾先后被租借至Royal Antwerp和Reading,然而如今他向MUTV表示他是时候离开了。

14. However, with a fixed state education funds investment, lots of higher education schools have to ask loans from banks to ease the shortage of money for development, and the amount of loan keeps increasing.

15. Illegality clause: Clause in a loan agreement which allows the lender to ask for repayment of his funds if a change in national legislation obliges him to withdraw from the loan.

16. I was forced to swallow my pride down and ask for a loan.

17. Dario: I will remember your words Brian. Don't come and ask me for a loan when I win the jackpot.

18. You should be careful of companies that ask for a loan fee before they will disburse and money to you.
      Loan Fees 贷款费,有些银行要求你先支付一定的费用,然后才贷款给你。

19. But despite his efforts, David is still jobless and has had to ask his father for a loan to prevent him losing his home in Bristol.

20. ask for a loan在线翻译

20. Acceleration: this clause gives the lender the right to speed up the time when your mortgage loan is due and has the right to ask for the full amount due on your loan straight away if you miss a repayment.

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