
astute是什么意思 astute在线翻译 astute什么意思 astute的意思 astute的翻译 astute的解释 astute的发音 astute的同义词 astute的反义词 astute的例句

astute [əˈstju:t]  [əˈstu:t] 

astute 基本解释

形容词机敏的,精明的,狡猾的; 聪慧

astute 网络解释

1. astute的反义词

1. 精明的,狡黠的:sermon 训诫,说道 | astute 精明的,狡黠的 | observation 观察,观测/评论

2. astute的翻译

2. 机敏的:Predatory competitor 非常强大的竞争对手 | Astute 机敏的 | Repackage 重新包装

3. 机敏的,精明的:assured 自信的,确定的 | astute 机敏的,精明的 | august 威严的,高贵的

4. 精明的.伶俐的:7.assertive 肯定的.斷定的 | 8.astute 精明的.伶俐的 | 9.bright 聰明的

astute 词典解释

1. 精明的;敏锐的
    If you describe someone as astute, you think they show an understanding of behaviour and situations, and are skilful at using this knowledge to their own advantage.

    e.g. She was politically astute...
    e.g. He made a series of astute business decisions.

Oxford, as Evelyn Waugh astutely observed, is a city best seen in early summer.
With characteristic astuteness, he spoke separately to all those involved.

astute 单语例句

1. However, astute collectors are becoming more aware of the value that exists among Hong Kong artists.

2. The Mongolian woman is also an astute equestrian but admits she finds it challenging to ride while filming chaotic shootout scenes.

3. Well the US under Obama is obliged to lead this " green revolution " and looking at his astute cabinet selection gives observers hope his country will.

4. Most of the other transfers in England were between one and three million pounds, although a signing who cost nothing could be the most astute.

5. A survey reveals that China's more astute workers have life expectancies that average 58 years, about 10 years shorter than the national average.

6. With a new generation of stars nipping at her heels, she is astute enough not to bank on lucky breaks.

7. Far more persuasive is Horne's astute depiction of the revolt that Kissinger's emphasis on good relations with the Kremlin triggered on the right.

8. The magazine's astute editor Daniel Goodman surely knows a thing or two about getting in front of the opposition - and staying there.

9. He proved an astute spotter of young talent and combined those players with more experienced ones.

10. George Gillett and Tom Hicks have played an astute public relations game since their buyout of the Anfield outfit in February.

astute 英英释义


1. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence

    e.g. a smart businessman
           an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease
           he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow

    Synonym: sharpshrewd

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