
at will是什么意思 at will在线翻译 at will什么意思 at will的意思 at will的翻译 at will的解释 at will的发音 at will的同义词 at will的反义词

at will [æt wil]  [æt wɪl] 

at will 基本解释

任意,随意; 信

at will 相关例句


1. He told us that we could wander around at will.

at will 情景对话


A:Who will meet you at the air port?

B:No one.

A:Oh, than I will arrange one of my staff to meet you at the airport.


A:Hi. This is Alice from Dr. Peter's office.

at will的反义词

B:Hi, Alice.

A:I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.

at will在线翻译

B:Thank you. I will be there on time.



A:Hi, I’m Josephine Chen, the tour guide for the Jade Agency. We have a reservation of twenty rooms for tonight.
      嗨!我叫陈佐芬,是翡翠旅游公司的领队,我们订了20 个房间。

at will在线翻译

B:Please to meet you, Miss Chen. My name is Joey. Welcome to the hotel. Here are the keys, registration slips and breakfast vouchers. Breakfast will be served from seven tomorrow morning. Is there any change in your schedule?
      幸会,陈小姐,我叫祖儿,欢迎光临敝酒店。这是你们的房间钥匙、登记表及早餐券。早餐明早7 点供应。你们的行程有没有改变呢?

A:No, our check-out time will still be 8:30 tomorrow.
      没有,我们依然会在明早8 点半退房。

B:Then we will arrange a morning call at 7:30. Will that be fine?
      那么我把早晨唤醒服务安排在7 点半好吗?

A:That’s alright.

B:Please put your luggage outside your room by eight. The bellboy will pick them up.
      请告诉团友们早上8 点把行李放于房间外,我们的服务员会前来收集的。

A:Thank you.

at will的近义词

B:Thank you very much. Hope you enjoy your stay.

at will 网络解释

1. 任意,随便:at times有时 | at will任意,随便 | at work在工作,忙于

2. 任意,随意:11.make up 构成,弥补 | 12.at will 任意,随意 | 13.consist of... 由......构成

at will 单语例句

1. Another two recruitment drives will be held over the weekend at Renmin University and the University of International Business and Economics.

2. The students will have to submit a business plan at the end of the semester.

3. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

4. Electric appliances that are banned in dormitories will be the focus of a new inspection following a fire at the Shanghai Business School on Friday.

5. But economists at Goldman Sachs suggest that the slowdown will be greater than during the Asian financial crisis or the 2001 dotcom bust.

6. Young women dressed as mermaids will act as trainers for customers at Long Yuan Diving Club.

7. Li Na's wish to stay at home more during the busy WTA season has come true as two tournaments will move to China next year.

8. China has launched a new mobile newspaper which will be available to cellular phone users at the press of a button of their handset.

9. His trip will buttress China's relations with these countries and strengthen its robust cooperation with the European Union at large.

10. Some buy five hats at one time and will come back later for seven more.

at will

at will 英英释义

at will


1. as one chooses or pleases

    e.g. he can roam the neighborhood at will

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