
atrium是什么意思 atrium在线翻译 atrium什么意思 atrium的意思 atrium的翻译 atrium的解释 atrium的发音 atrium的同义词 atrium的反义词 atrium的例句

atrium [ˈeɪtriəm]  [ˈetriəm] 


atrium 基本解释


名词心房; (现代建筑物开阔的)中庭,天井

atrium 网络解释

1. 心房:7.开始出现由静脉窦、一心房(atrium)和一心室(ventricle)组成的心脏. 除无肾门静脉和总主静脉外,循环系统及血液循环方式均与文昌鱼十分相似. 8.脑的各部分排列在同一平面上,无任何脑曲. 中脑未形成二叠体. 小脑还没有与延脑分离,

2. 门廊:教宗西斯笃三世(Sixtus III 432-440)用八根未用过的斑岩(porphyry)石柱,把这洗礼堂整个重建成八角形,还加建了一个门廊(atrium). 教宗希拉略(Hilarius 461-468)在洗礼堂两侧加建了三间小堂,其中两间虽经改建,但至今仍然存在.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 房:附带一提的是有水脑的胎儿胎头不一定会比较大,诊断水脑一般我们是量侧脑室房(Atrium)的宽度,如果大於1.5公分多半是有问题的,也就是水脑症,如果在1至1.5公分之间,虽然大部份到了怀孕后期都会自已慢慢恢复正常,

atrium 词典解释

1. (建筑物的)天井,中庭
    An atrium is a part of a building such as a hotel or shopping centre, which extends up through several floors of the building and often has a glass roof.


atrium 单语例句

1. The main entrance and exit of the pavilion form part of the pavilion hall, which features an enormous atrium with walls and fountains with rich Arabic geometrical latticework.

2. Atrial Capture Management automatically adjusts electrical impulses sent to the right atrium.

3. Substructure is on display at the LSE Atrium Gallery until Sept 30.

4. Take a trip to the Italian countryside at the Hilton Shanghai's Atrium Caf and tour the culinary and wine favorites from different regions of Italy.

5. A separate study tied childhood obesity to abnormal enlargement of the left atrium, one of the chambers of the heart.

6. The octagonal shaped atrium once again allows natural light to pour through its colorful glass roof.

7. The bullet had pierced through the left chest and hit his right atrium, but did not hurt the left lung.

8. The Victorian Lounge plays host to an afternoon spent in a naturally lit atrium decorated in a classic English style.

9. Atrium Cafe at Hilton Shanghai will feature a buffet of international cuisine from noon to 3 pm this Easter.

10. As guests sat down at the long tables placed in the atrium hall, they browsed the menu.

atrium 英英释义


1. the central area in a building
    open to the sky

2. any chamber that is connected to other chambers or passageways (especially one of the two upper chambers of the heart)

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