
attack and seize是什么意思 attack and seize在线翻译 attack and seize什么意思 attack and seize的意思 attack and seize的翻译 attack and seize的解释

attack and seize

attack and seize 双语例句

1. Also in mid-May, the sources said the Russian side, Russian defense exports in January this year, company has signed with Vietnam to sell 12 Su-30MK2 multi-purpose fighter aircraft contract, the aircraft is mainly used to seize air superiority, attack surface and land-based target.

2. attack and seize的解释

2. First show the enemy a false move, and then seize the opportunity of the enemy being in static defense to implement a sneak attack against it.

3. Barbed nail on the snakes, shooting Chimera, the first barrage without justification, then the Master must always see them, there is gas, then we should pay attention to will be lodged in the video, pay attention to the Master of the action, if the Master do not have flash on the target shooting and pay attention to suspended animation with the pets second bomb attack hide screen, the second barrage is over, immediately seize this time to 3 seconds Arcane shot once, and then silence - Chimera - ready - silent - Chimera - Austria operation - aimed at increase of 6 seconds of silence for the outbreak, which has basically been a little down the Master of the blood, suspended animation delay time delay, skills CD a fight injury, a great opportunity to win, if the Master behind-the-scenes attempt to flash bombs close to first a time to escape, escape does not account for the public CD, At the same time, Arcane fire months (because of shorter CD, even if the flash was to strengthen the BUFF pity not escape).

4. attack and seize是什么意思

4. The enemy generally occupies the county towns or other towns in our base areas before he stops his offensive or begins to withdraw, and we should encircle these towns, cutting off his grain supply and severing his communications, so that when he cannot hold out and begins to retreat, we can seize the opportunity to pursue and attack him.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. But on being led to his house, they became apprehensive." It must be, " they thought, " on account of the money put back in our bags the first time, that we are taken inside; they want to use it as a pretext to attack us and take our donkeys and seize us as slaves.

6. Qi County, took over after the persons sent Ge Fu Li Ying led the troops to seize Qi County, east of where to attack sickle, one hundred families, bitter, Zhe, Qiao and other places, have made a capture.

7. attack and seize是什么意思

7. The crux of winning in shadowboxing and I-go is to seize an opportunity and create the best chance under predominating the internal change rules of attack and defense.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. Features - 7 kinds of buildings to the development of your town - the Indian attack to seize the pit and lots more - simple user interface.
    特点 - 7种建筑物来发展您的市镇-攻击印第安人来夺取更多的地段和矿坑-简易的用户界面。

9. We were ordered to attack and seize Arbuzovo.

10. When we come across such a situation, we should take advantage of the enemy`s hesitation to attack and seize it.

11. The industry of main attack of example of Chen Ming of two train of thought that strengthens me to save railroad network to build, surely first traffic of attack and seize.

12. The main force of the Second Field Army should march quickly eastward to take over the tasks unfulfilled by the troops left behind by the Third Field Army, wipe out the enemy troops in the Wuhu area, and prepare to attack and seize Nanjing.

13. Insist the self rhythm to seize Initiative of game. Forth, it should enhance the attack ability and chance such as fast ball far away the net and the half-high ball in position 3.

14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

14. Chinese Basketball Team in the total hit rate shot was no significant difference with the competitors, but fewer shots, reflecting the number of Chinese Men get less offensive, the attack can not shoot very well to create and seize opportunities. 6.

15. attack and seize什么意思

15. Seize the Market Key and Take Aim Main Direction of Attack and Push Fishery Economics Forward Develop at High Soeed and High Effect

16. attack and seize的意思

16. This paper, based on Ether network environment, primarily presents design and realization of data packet seize which is one of the measure against the hacker's attack.

attack and seize 单语例句

1. If it is to seize political power and build socialism, it must therefore impose a dictatorship to resist capitalist attack.

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