
attendance是什么意思 attendance在线翻译 attendance什么意思 attendance的意思 attendance的翻译 attendance的解释 attendance的发音 attendance的同义词

attendance [əˈtendəns]  [əˈtɛndəns] 


attendance 基本解释

名词出席率; 出席,参加; 出席者,出席人数

attendance 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. She is in attendance on the sick child.

2. There was a large attendance at the party.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. My attendance at school is excellent.

4. attendance在线翻译

4. She is in attendance on the sick man.

attendance 网络解释

1. 出席:概念 出席 (Attendance) 终端的一种属性, 表示操作人员在工作公共出席 (Common Attendance) 某些终端组成的组, 共同进,

2. 出勤率:3.学校给你出具的你最近的出勤率(attendance)证明那些经常缺课,出勤率低于80%的学生将会被拒签

3. 出勤:联邦与各州教育部达成共识,年度报告优先报告学校教育向着实现21世纪基础教育全国目标的进展情况,包括学生、学校和经费的统计数据,提供如下实在信息:方便入学(access and participation)、保持(retention)、出勤(attendance)、完成和升学(co

4. 出席率:结果变项则包括留职意愿(Desireto Remain)、出席率(Attendance)与工作绩效(Performance). 因此引发对新人类组织承诺之研究动机. 而探讨影响新人类组织承诺因素,除考量其个人特徵、工作价值观之外,属於工作情境因素的公司特徵,

attendance 词典解释

1. 出席;参加;出勤
    Someone's attendance at an event or an institution is the fact that they are present at the event or go regularly to the institution.

    e.g. Her attendance at school was sporadic.

2. 出席的人数
    The attendance at an event is the number of people who are present at it.

    e.g. Average weekly cinema attendance in February was 2.41 million...
    e.g. This year attendances were 28% lower than forecast...

3. 到(某地);出席(某活动)
    If someone is in attendance at a place or an event, they are there.


    e.g. Councillor Paul Tisley will be in attendance at the start of the meeting to welcome us...
    e.g. Police with riot gear and several fire engines are in attendance.

4. 陪同;陪伴
    If someone is in attendance on an important person, they are accompanying that person as a servant or assistant.

    e.g. He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.

attendance 单语例句

1. The attendance at this annual gathering set new records for both in terms of the number of guests and their caliber.

2. The high average daily attendance statistics reported by school districts camouflage a real truancy problem.

3. The fee paid to secure Ronaldinho's attendance on Thursday caused widespread Greek media comment.

4. The men were asked about their current church attendance and smoking and drinking habits, as well as their habits during adolescence.

5. In the last five fiscal years, its cumulative attendance surpassed 24 million.

6. Lindsay's father Michael Lohan was in attendance in the court, while her mother Dina was on the other side of the room.

7. Although Hong Kong Disneyland said the discount was unrelated to attendance, the park has repeatedly refused to disclose how many people have been visiting.

8. Factoring in higher ticket prices, movie attendance is running 5 percent behind last year's.

9. Insiders said that mine heads will at least have to take responsibility for the inaccurate attendance list.

10. While art museums offering free admission have seen a dramatic increase in attendance, not all are able to do so.

attendance 英英释义



1. the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)

    Synonym: attending

2. the number of people that are present

    e.g. attendance was up by 50 per cent

3. the frequency with which a person is present

    e.g. a student's attendance is an important factor in her grade

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