
autoeciousness是什么意思 autoeciousness在线翻译 autoeciousness什么意思 autoeciousness的意思 autoeciousness的翻译 autoeciousness的解释

autoeciousness [ɔ:'təʊʃəsnəs]  [ɔ:'toʊʃəsnəs] 

autoeciousness 基本解释


autoeciousness 网络解释

1. 寄生:autoeciously 寄生地 | autoeciousness 寄生 | autoecism 单主寄生

autoeciousness 双语例句

1. The analyses show that the conformation and volatile of wheat have few influence on the behavior of autoeciousness.

2. autoeciousness的意思

2. Niche also is put into this article to describe relations of enterprises in industrial cluster, such as competition, intergrowth and autoeciousness.

3. autoeciousness的反义词

3. Some ways to eliminate autoeciousness capacitance of capacitance sensor.

4. Some researches are also done on adjusting the E-plane width, altitude and way of placement, polarization, structure of oscillator and autoeciousness unit.

5. In the development of filter, adopting interdigital structure of stripline, it is providewith higher rejection and has no autoeciousness band in very wide frequency. structureof debugging is added to reduce the affection of manufacture error improving the indexsignificantly.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Then the paper study the correlation between clustered enterprises from the viewpoint of the ecology, and put forward four kinds of growth modes of the clustered SMEs: autoeciousness growth, deflection profit intergrowth, mutualism growth, competition intergrowth.

7. autoeciousness的反义词

7. For the structure, we establish the techniques of the GaAs piezoresistor accelerometer, which includes MBE technology, surface and bulk micromachining processes. Autoeciousness capacitance is reduced by using air bridge technology and the beam-massstructure of accelerometer is machined via control hole technique. According to the process flow, the drawing is designed and the accelerometer is machined. Finally, the accelerometer is testedand analyzed, acceleration signal has been find.
    根据所设计的结构,采用 MBE 生长技术、微电子加工工艺和 MEMS 加工工艺相结合确立了 GaAs 基共振隧穿压阻式加速度计的工艺流程,并运用空气桥技术降低 RTD 的寄生电容,采用控制孔技术加工 GaAs 基加速度计结构,依据该工艺流程进行了版图设计和工艺加工,最后对加工出的加速度计进行测试分析,初步得出了加速度信号。

8. This article describes virus hypostasis and the way of virus autoeciousness, and gives the reader an idea and a way of how to kill virus manually.

9. What due to wrong connection of the grounding lead circuit of core and clamping pieces, and outside electromagnetic field caused an induced current in the autoeciousness circuit is analyzed, and the closed loop problem that should be adverted in engineering constructing is also presented.

10. The basic types and ecological behavior of spatial relationship are analysed, such as the concentration and diffusion, the growth and succession, the inheritance and break or meeting emergency, the symbiosis and competition, the autoeciousness and stranglehold/invasion.

11. The number of moth tempted in experimental zone is 20% of the one in CK zone. The population is 73.6% less than the one in CK zone. The survival rate of autoeciousness bee could reach the point of 81.7%.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. Meloidogyne spp. is a kind of foliage autoeciousness nematodes which disserves greatly, distributes widely, be difficult for prevention and cure and endangers the production of crop heavily. Meanwhile, it is one of the important causes that place a premium on vegetation disease.

13. Objective: Studies the pharmacological action of ferment product of endophytic fungi isolated from Fi'scum coloratum, provides a novel way for solving the resource shortage of Viscum coloratum and the like autoeciousness drug plant.

14. The Primary Research on the Autoeciousness Plant and Its Harm to the Landscape Plant in Guangzhou

15. The relation between viruses and man is the relation of autoeciousness, confrontation? co-existence and interdependence.

16. Effect from Autoeciousness Circuit to Relay Protection Operation

17. It can quit clearly the autoeciousness impulses brought by the noise and it has been used in the design of general counter.

18. Vertical structure of arthropod communities which appeared aggregated distribution was related with the demand of species to nutrition of autoeciousness.

19. Otherwise the investigation of the changes upon physical and chemical after fly maggot autoeciousness could provide gist on the comprehending insect immunity and the reaction of insect immunity.

20. autoeciousness

20. The number of moth tempted in experimental zone is 20 % of the one in CK zone. The population is 73.6 % less than the one in CK zone. The survival rate of autoeciousness bee could reach the point of 81.7 %.

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