
awoke是什么意思 awoke在线翻译 awoke什么意思 awoke的意思 awoke的翻译 awoke的解释 awoke的发音 awoke的同义词 awoke的反义词 awoke的例句

awoke [əˈwəʊk]  [əˈwoʊk] 


awoke 基本解释

动词唤醒( awake的过去式 ); 觉悟到; 使觉悟

awoke 网络解释

1. 觉醒:awny 有芒的 | awoke 觉醒 | awoken 唤醒

2. 醒了:7、 雪域光芒 Radiance of the Snowfield | 8、 醒了 Awoke | 9、 喜玛拉雅 The Himalayas

3. awoke的翻译

3. 唤醒/唤起/提醒:awningde /遮篷/ | awoke /唤醒/唤起/提醒/ | awoken /唤醒/醒来/唤起/

awoke 双语例句

1. In the morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnson's, and this time Vingo went in.

2. In the morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnsons, and this time Vingo went in.

3. We always have something important that should be kept in mind, but you know, life is complicated. All the trifling affairs compel people out of the real core of life, and therefore we need several special days to awoke us to remember someone, something or some spirits.

4. awoke的意思

4. Awake awoke, awo?
    唤醒 醒着的

5. Some parents are mirrorred, the child plays game shut-eye to awoke to won't be moved all over, returned somebody to appear phonism is psychedelic wait for a symptom, some is grumpy even appear beat and scold family and the circumstance from incomplete, can say network strong interest kills a person not shallow.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. This was different from the way she used to feel when she awoke on the tree with the sunrise.

7. It is time we awoke to the grim realities of the economic situation.

8. awoke是什么意思

8. When she awoke one morning covered in what looked like red pinpricks, her husband took her to the hospital.

9. He awoke at six, and saw the rain, and it seemed as though he couldn't bear it.

10. He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break, the cobber awoke him with his song.

11. The next thing I knew I awoke in my snazzy five star hotel room. HippieHusband was by my side.

12. awoke什么意思

12. When I awoke, there were flowers all over my bedside and some of them even began to damp off.

13. When I awoke, we were in a huge bath.

14. Her distress awoke a nausea in her body and she kept moving her lips in silent fervent prayer.

15. When I awoke again (Sunday, 29th September), many of the stars had disappeared; only the stronger companions of the night still burned visibly overhead; and away towards the east I saw a faint haze of light upon the horizon, such as had been the Milky Way when I was last awake.

16. When he awoke, he defiled the corpse, and he began to eat her.

17. It was his views on trade that awoke this ire.

18. And when I awoke I was alone.

19. When he awoke he was in his own bed.

20. And when I awoke I was sure it was true.

awoke 词典解释


awoke 单语例句

1. The woman awoke in acute pain and raised her arm instinctively to defend herself, but Kubo kept on with the attack.

2. The magnificence and tradition of every place awoke an unexpected admiration and understanding of China - particularly Beijing.

3. The rich smell of good coffee was my alarm clock and I awoke to find my friend making breakfast in the RV's compact kitchen.

4. Lisbon awoke with a collective hangover after celebrating Portugal's win over England.

5. She awoke suddenly from her slumber when she experienced a sharp pain.

6. He said he awoke this morning at 4 am because of the time difference and was extremely tired.

7. Monrovia awoke to calm Saturday for the first time in five days.

8. Randall Bjork, said he couldn't explain how or why she awoke.

9. David Haltom was on his honeymoon when he and his bride awoke in their cabin, smelling smoke and hearing people running in the halls yelling fire.

10. The eruption was not big enough to disrupt daily life near the volcano, though many people awoke to find their cars covered in a fine layer of powder.

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