
azure blue是什么意思 azure blue在线翻译 azure blue什么意思 azure blue的意思 azure blue的翻译 azure blue的解释 azure blue的发音 azure blue的同义词

azure blue [ˈæʒə blu:]  [ˈæʒɚ blu] 

azure blue 基本解释

azure blue

湛蓝; 天青蓝

azure blue 网络解释

1. 天青蓝:5008 Grey blue 灰蓝色 | 5009 Azure blue 天青蓝 | 5010 Gentian blue 龙胆蓝色

2. azure blue的反义词

2. 中兰,天蓝:avocado 橄榄绿 | azure blue 中兰,天蓝 | azurite 蓝色颜料

3. azure blue的近义词

3. 中蓝,天蓝:Azure 天蓝色,淡青色,天青色 | Azure blue 中蓝,天蓝 | Azure green 碧绿色,天蓝色

4. 蔚蓝:Apricot杏黄 | Azure blue 蔚蓝 | Beige 灰棕色

azure blue 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull'd by the coil of his crystàlline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them!

2. azure blue的解释

2. On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. Anyway I feel that the harp is the most poetic musical instrument: it has a smooth and undulate shape, best being played by a woman in a white embroidered hellenic gown with a tight sash, showing her concinnity and charming figure, with her hair in a high knot, and wearing no jewelry but asandalwood bracelet. Her mistlike azure blue eyes droop down; her typical Grecian nose and thin curving lips are kissable andher face is as sharp as a statuary with a light smile; her nicety long fingers pluck the strings elegantly, from which music flows out, sparkling and harmonic. Maybe she is the Psyche who stepped out of the Anderson's fairytales, even we can see her translucent wings flapping with the rhythm in the air.

4. You who do not remember passage from the other world I tell you I could speak again: whatever returns from oblivion returns to find a voice: from the center of my life came a great fountain, deep blue shadows on azure sea water.

5. In the streets, cars will not emit black gases, but emissions from clearing the fresh air, people no longer throw garbage and spitting; on the square, more grass than people, who also spent than the United States, the sky Azure blue, and white clouds in the sky back and Piaolaipiaoqu, while a little dog, while a chicken, is varied, people can not help repeatedly praise.

6. Its glaze plaque to quintana azure and purple and white mainly, but also blue and green in the microdisplay, and also was purple, and blue was very pale blue, or blue, and purple was玫瑰紫or sunset red, and some the dots of blue in the purple and white, complex, gorgeous colorful.

7. In Pennant Blue, a deep Azure and Ocean mix with a slight metallic thrown in, the model is striking, especially with the beige seats and dash, highlighted by light tan carpeting and cream-colored steering wheel, dash and door trim.
    在 Pennant 蓝中,一个深天蓝色和海运混台由于一微小的金属丢在,模型正在打击,尤其以浅褐色的位子和划,被轻鞣制革铺以地毯和乳酪-彩色的方向盘,划和门微调标明。

8. He found that he was in a grotto, went towards the opening, and through a kind of fanlight saw a blue sea and an azure sky.

9. Some of the Tang Dynasty have been unearthed in Turpan made silk fabrics chromatographic analysis, a total of 24 kinds of colors, which are silver red red, polygoni orientalis, scarlet, purpurea, 绛紫; yellow have鹅黄, Huang Ju, armeniacum, golden, 土黄, TB; green, blue egg blue, Azure, Turquoise Blue, Blue, Red Green, Navy; HU green green, pea green, leaf green, fruit green, dark green and so on.

10. azure blue

10. Jiu Zhaigou of September, like a pair of oil paintings, the color is very heavy, has the level: It is the transparent blue, there is the covering of forest on because the mountain, become plump, graceful, The excellent sea son the most, have some in the one that solidify is azure it green to intersperse among them; Growing and died to become one kind eternal and changedly here of nature, even a slice of yellowing fallen leaf, Bleaching it on the something small and hard of sea gently is a line of beautiful scenery too, don't say that poured the ancient tree in sons of sea in millennium still more, That is a legend that did not become, let you send out and sigh with deep feeling after highlying praise, there is a kind of sadness after sighing with deep feeling, Is that right?

11. Solid Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket.

12. Stormy Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket.

13. Sparkling Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket.

14. Lustrous Azure Moonstone Matches a Blue Socket.

15. When the morning blooming time, a person standing in the sea watching the sun pierced the clouds, slowly rising from the sea level, light the front of this piece of the ocean, silhouetted against the azure blue waters of the Day-hsi, sparkling, Morrowind Raising my white dress blowing, I tightly close to the sea, leaving me red with blowing and the waves rushed in the feet, step on the soft sand, broken bits of surf washed the toes.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. Yin touch of red sunset photo in Xishan, the azure blue sky Fu Dongzhe big chunks of white clouds, which shine in the sunset flames emerged under the general Yanhong, if you look carefully, you will see that clouds with cotton wadding in the the air flowing, as exposure to veil-like dream-like, will make you stay away from trouble troubles.

17. Azure is particularly expensive, as the powder blue, sky blue is too precious to have " Once the storm clouds break at " the reputation.

18. The blue canopy of the heaven appeared between the clouds. Azure skies are indicative of good weather.

19. azure blue的翻译

19. Azure laid: A high grade writing paper for ledger and other uses. It has a series of translucent line texture and light blue in color as its name imply.

20. azure blue

20. In springtime it is warm and the sun is bright, the lake is tranquil and it merges with the azure sky into a vast expanse of blue.

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