
banners and flags是什么意思 banners and flags在线翻译 banners and flags什么意思 banners and flags的意思 banners and flags的翻译 banners and flags的解释

banners and flags

banners and flags 双语例句

1. Walking in the streets, eyes see is carefully laid out the various units of the sixtieth anniversary of National Day to congratulate the five flags, red flags fluttering in the wind, the five-star flash banners, each family a small five-star, small flags, gather into a whole of China, decorated with flowers and, the red flag inside the palace sea was like the sky, like the stars covered the sky, twinkling, blink his eyes, in October to celebrate the country's 60 birthday, in the earth-shaking new victory cheers.

2. Guilds will also have the ability to raise their own flags and banners, create their own emblem, and place their emblem on their armor and their guild fortress, for all to see.

3. banners and flags的意思

3. The big photos, banners, flags and a lot of presents from our fans.....

4. The banners of the States and flags of every land

5. You can no longer interact with tower banners and flags through walls in Alterac Valley.

6. banners and flags

6. Then take a look at which roads lead to our own design and production of banners and flags, which embodies our collective wisdom.

7. With flags and banners, the policy across different grounds is sometimes inconsistent.

8. banners and flags的翻译

8. From the athletes ready to serve the ball started to become a dead ball this time, the entire game to keep quiet, do not clap, stamp the floor, loud speech, cheering, random walk, such as display of flags and banners.

9. banners and flags的翻译

9. Through adequate number of terminals and diverse forms of publicity display goods: light boxes, banners, KT board, shade Peng, Li licensing, Gua Hua, hanging flags, POP, Taiwan card, posters, notebooks, pens, measuring instrument, the shelf and so on, creating a market atmosphere and a full display of vivid image of the retail end.

10. He blinked at her ignorance. Nor can ordinary objects be seen clearly enough: hence the institution of banners and flags.

11. Waving banners and Greek flags, they shouted " Thieves " and " Traitors ".

12. STUDY OF THE BLUE-GREEN ALGAE CHROOCOCCALES I AT YUEXI COUNTY OF THE SOUTH SLOPES OF DA-BIE MTS., ANHUI Gongs and drums, banners and flags, are means whereby the ears and eyes of the host may be focused on one particular point.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. Johnson Sports uniform and Trophy specializes in sports uniforms, national trophies, badges and medals, flags and banners, silverwares, crystals, wooden products, etc.

14. Crowds cheered, patriotically Waring flags and banners.

15. banners and flags的意思

15. Waving banners and Greek flags, they shouted " Thieves " and " Traitors ".

banners and flags 单语例句

1. Unlike previous overseas visits by Chinese leaders, passionate crowds holding little flags and waving welcoming banners were not seen this time.

2. Ahmadinejad's forces waved Iranian flags and green Islamic banners, an obvious response to Mousavi's campaign that adopted green as its trademark color.

3. Fans of both teams also paid their own respects to Foe, waving flags and banners bearing his name.

4. Mourners waved Lebanese flags, those of Hariri's Future movement and banners of various Sunni factions.

5. More than 20 people demonstrated in front of the Japanese Embassy Wednesday morning, holding China's national flags and banners asserting China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

6. Witnesses said the protesters started pulling down flags and inaugural banners from lampposts, and said police used pepper spray on some protesters.

7. Mostly peaceful demonstrations were held in several towns across Iraq, with hundreds of people marching in the streets carrying Iraqi flags and banners.

8. A handful of protesters gathered outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing waving flags and banners and denouncing Japanese wartime aggression.

9. Schalke 04 fans will be banned from taking flags and banners to Saturday's Ruhr derby at Borussia Dortmund.

10. " All other fan instruments such as flags and banners should not be brought, " said Dortmund in a statement.

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